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General Anderson's different commands during the war.

Joined a company then being organized in Jefferson county, Fla., called ‘Jefferson Rifles,’ at Monticello, Fla., December 1o, 1860; was elected captain and entered service of the State of Florida on the 11th of January, 1861.

Elected colonel of 1st Florida Regiment (infantry) March 26, 1861, and entered Confederate service same day.

Promoted brigadier-general P. A. C. S. February 1o, 1862, and assigned to command of brigade composed of 1st Florida Regiment, 17th Alabama Regiment (Colonel Jos. Wheeler), 5th Mississippi (Colonel Fant), 8th Mississippi (Colonel Flint); ordered to Jackson, Tenn., March 20, 1862; thence to Corinth, Miss., and there assigned to command brigade about the 26th of March, composed of 1st Florida Battalion (6 companies, Lieutenant-Colonel McDonald), battalion ‘Confederate Guards Response’ from Louisiana (Lieutenant-Colonel Clack), 17th Louisiana Regiment (Colonel Heard), 20th Louisiana Regiment (Colonel Richard), 9th Texas Regiment (Colonel Stanley). Commanded this brigade in the battle of Shiloh. Soon thereafter, on reorganization, was assigned to brigade composed of 41st Mississippi Regiment (Colonel W. F. Tucker), 36th Mississippi Regiment (Colonel Drury Brown), 37th Mississippi Regiment (Colonel Samuel Benton), 25th Louisiana Regiment (Colonel Fisk), 30th Mississippi Regiment (Colonel Neill), 5th company Washington Artillery.

1st of September, 1862, assigned to command of Major-General Sam Jones' division in Army of Tennessee at Chattanooga, and exercised same throughout General Bragg's Kentucky campaign. The division consisted of Brigadier-General Daniel Adams' Brigade, Brigadier-General Marsh Walker's Brigade, Brigadier-General John C. Brown's Brigade, and Colonel Thomas M. Jones' Brigade.

On 28th of December, 1862, assigned to command of Trapier's Brigade, composed of two South Carolina and two Alabama regiments—same had been commanded for some time by Colonel A. M. Manigault, 10th South Carolina Regiment.

On 30th of December assigned to command of Walthall's Brigade (Walthall sick and battle of Murfreesboro impending) composed of 29th Mississippi Regiment (Colonel Brantley), 27th Mississippi Regiment (Colonel Thomas M. Jones), 24th Mississippi Regiment (Colonel——

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E. C. Walthall (2)
Thomas M. Jones (2)
Joseph Wheeler (1)
Marsh Walker (1)
W. F. Tucker (1)
Trapier (1)
Stanley (1)
Richard (1)
Neill (1)
Angus McDonald (1)
A. M. Manigault (1)
Sam Jones (1)
Heard (1)
Flint (1)
Fisk (1)
Fant (1)
Clack (1)
John C. Brown (1)
Drury Brown (1)
W. F. Brantley (1)
Thomas Bragg (1)
Samuel Benton (1)
Daniel Adams (1)
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