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[68] of Colonel Henry Watkins Allen. With Ruggles, also, was a brigade of regiments from Kentucky and Alabama under Colonel Thompson. Allen's fame was already crescent. The Louisiana leader combined the dash of d'artagnan with the thirst for battle of Anthony Wayne. Before an enemy he was a Pennsylvanian engrafted upon a Creole. An odd compound, but one first-class for war.

The line had proceeded but a few hundred yards when it was met by a brisk fire from the enemy's skirmishers, strongly posted on the right. Simultaneously, Semmes, battery was ordered forward to drive off the skirmishers. Fired by their leader's example the Louisianians dashed to the front, with ringing cheers, charging a battery stationed at the head of a street on the outskirts of Baton Rouge. Ruggles' order had been peremptory—‘March straight to the front until you hear “ Stop!” ’ and Allen was not the man to question an order while the battle was on. To the front, straight as he could go, he swept, carrying the colors in his hand and pressing up to the very muzzles of the guns. At that point, there came a scattering discharge of canister which struck him down. shattering both of his legs.1 Lieut.-Col. Samuel Boyd was also severely wounded in the same charge. The vigilant enemy, seeing signs of trouble in their front, threw in strong reinforcements, which forced the brigade back in some confusion. Rallied by the efforts of Colonel Breaux, of the Thirteenth, and LieutenantCol-onel Hunter, Fourth, the Louisiana brigade, although it did not further participate in the assault, bravely

1 From this wound Henry Watkins Allen never entirely recovered. He came out from his illness strong in spirit but weak in health. He came out the idol of his Fourth Louisiana, the pride of his State, the future choice of her people for their war-governor to succeed Thomas O. Moore. In that office, it is safe to say that never was there a more devoted administrator of the interests of Louisiana, in peace or in war, than Henry Watkins Allen. He stood at her dying; and, heart-torn at the sight, he took refuge in Mexico where In 1886, he passed away, an alien on a foreign soil.

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