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[147] protected by gunboats. The loss inflicted by Green upon the transports was terrible. Several times, indeed, they raised the white flag. On their side, the gunboats, covered with plating, continued to keep up a steady fire. The transports suffered the more for this, Green being compelled to renew the fire on them by reason of the gunboats. Many times, however, the sharpshooters forced even the gunboats to close their portholes. The capture of the fleet seemed imminent. A heavy discharge of grape from one of the gunboats at that moment unfortunately killed the noble Green. Banks was at Grand Ecore near by. He made no demonstration, he had not even heard war's thunder, though so close at hand.

Singularly cool in danger, strong in attack, never flurried, Green was a commander whom his soldiers had learned to follow with confidence. It was fortunate that his death should take place at the close of the Red river campaign rather than before it had opened. At any time during the war, however, his death would have been a loss to the Confederate cause. General Taylor trusted much in his ability as a cavalry leader who with his sword cut his mark on every march and in every battle.

The Confederate reports have been mostly relied upon in regard to the battle of Pleasant Hill. It was, under the rules which govern war, a substantial victory. Touching the result of that battle which, although fought with close ranks and signal bravery by the enemy, ended in a general retreat of the Federals, I make way for an extract from the report of Maj.-Gen. A. J. Smith, the soldier loaned to Banks by General Sherman: ‘The opinion of Major-General Banks, as to the action of the command and its results, may be gathered from his own words to me on the field just after the final charge, when riding up to me he remarked, shaking me by the hand, “God bless you, general, you have saved the army.” ’ In this further extract from Gen. A. J. Smith,

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