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[77] that the Federals had landed a regiment on Hatteras island near Chicamicomico, and with the co-operation of Commodore Lynch, commanding the steamers Curlew and Raleigh and the tug Junaloski, he started out with a detachment of 150 men to try conclusions. At 5 p. m. they came in sight of the steamer Fanny unloading supplies at the new Federal post, and opened fire upon her. Though a gallant resistance was made, the Fanny was compelled to surrender with two guns and about 50 men. The gun of the Curlew in this little naval battle was manned by a detachment of Captain McWhorter's Georgia company, with good results. On the 4th, with a considerable force conveyed by Commodore Lynch's flotilla, Colonel Wright returned to Chicamicomico and landed to attack the Indiana regiment at that place. The latter retreated, abandoning camp and supplies and losing some 30 prisoners. The Georgians pursued along the sand until the Federal forces made a junction. During this advance Wright's command was somewhat annoyed by the firing of the Federal steamer Monticello, but sustained no loss. This exploit of the Georgians was the only episode during 1861, in North Carolina, which resulted in advantage to the Confederate arms. In December the Third was sent to Savannah.

The Georgia volunteers who arrived at Pensacola, Fla., in the spring of 1861, found the city and navy yard in the hands of a small force under General Bragg. These Georgia commands were Ramsey's First Georgia regiment, Villepigue's First Georgia battalion, Capt. Isadore P. Girardey's Washington artillery from Augusta, and the Fifth Georgia regiment. After being in camp and on duty near Fort Barrancas for six weeks the First Georgia, about the 1st of June, was ordered to Virginia. The services of this regiment in that State have already been described. The Confederates also garrisoned Fort Barrancas, a little west of the navy yard, on the mainland, and Fort McRee, on a peninsula running down in the

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A. R. Wright (2)
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R. L. McWhorter (1)
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