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[21] the cars for Montgomery, then the capital of the new Confederacy. From Montgomery they went to Garland, where they received news of the attack upon Fort Sumter. The railroad to Pensacola was not yet finished, there being a gap of sixteen miles between Garland and Evergreen. This distance the regiment marched, and from Evergreen went by rail to Pensacola, where they were sent down the bay past the navy yard and stationed near Fort Barrancas. The regiment was transferred early in June to Virginia, and while in camp at Richmond was reviewed by President Davis and Governor Letcher, each of whom delivered speeches which were enthusiastically received. The battle of Big Bethel occurred during their short stay at Richmond and was hailed as a great victory. The First Georgia volunteers served in West Virginia under Garnett, and after the death of that officer, under Henry R. Jackson, until December, when they were sent to Stonewall Jackson at Winchester, serving under that great leader until early in March, when they were ordered to Lynchburg and soon after to Georgia, where they were mustered out March 18, 1862. The First Georgia was in the following engagements: Belington and Laurel Hill, Carrick's Ford, Cheat Mountain, Greenbrier River, Bath and Hancock. Four companies re-enlisted in a body at Augusta, Ga., forming an artillery battalion under Maj. H. D. Capers. These were the Oglethorpe Artillery, Augusta, Capt. J. V. H. Allen; Walker Light Artillery, Augusta, Capt. Samuel Crump; Washington Artillery, Sandersville, Capt. J. W. Rudisill, and Newnan Artillery, Capt. George M. Hanvey. Three of these companies served under Gen. Kirby Smith in 1862, in east Tennessee, and the company from Newnan participated as artillery in the Kentucky campaign. Toward the latter part of 1862, the whole battalion was sent to Savannah. The Oglethorpes were then detached, and with the Thirteenth Georgia (Phoenix) battalion and six new companies

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