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[16] subject to his order, every ship then in the harbor of Savannah, belonging to citizens of New York. ‘When the property of which our citizens have been robbed is returned to them,’ wrote the governor, ‘then the ships will be delivered to the citizens of New York who own them.’ Under this order Colonel Lawton, February 8th, put detachments of the Phoenix Riflemen, under command of Capt. George Gordon, in charge of five merchant vessels. Three days later the guns were ordered released, but delay in forwarding led to the governor's directing a renewal of reprisals. Three more vessels were taken in hand by Colonel Lawton, two of which were advertised for sale, when information was received that the guns were on the way, whereupon they were released. This incident was brought to a close after the State had united with the Confederate States, and the fact that Governor Brown retained the matter in his own hands is a striking illustration of the vigorous way in which Georgia put into effect the principle of State sovereignty.

The convention, prior to the adjournment on January 29th to meet in March at Savannah, authorized the equipment of two regiments, to be either all infantry, or artil-lety and infantry, as the governor should decide. The organization of these regiments had not been completed when active hostilities began, and the companies formed were consolidated in one regiment, and turned over to the Confederate States government with the title of the First regiment Georgia regulars. Of this regiment, Charles J. Williams was commissioned colonel, March 5, 1861. The First regulars served for some time in Virginia in Toombs', then in Gen. George T. Ander-son's brigade, and after Fredericksburg, were on duty most of the time in the department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. They fought in the brigade of George P. Harrison at Olustee, later at Charleston; under Col. Richard A. Wayne were in Maj.-Gen. L.

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