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[1220] “The Greek meaning is antidote against drunkenness.” She characterized her friends by these stones, and wrote to the last mentioned, the following lines:—


Slow wandering on a tangled way,
     To their lost child pure spirits say:—
The diamond marshal thee by day,
     By night, the carbuncle defend,
Heart's blood of a bosom friend.
     On thy brow, the amethyst,
Violet of purest earth,
     When by fullest sunlight kissed,
Best reveals its regal birth;
     And when that haloed moment flies,
Shall keep thee steadfast, chaste, and wise.

Coincidences, good and bad, contretemps, seals, ciphers, mottoes, omens, anniversaries, names, dreams, are all of a certain importance to her. Her letters are often dated on some marked anniversary of her own, or of her correspondent's calendar. She signalized saints' days, ‘All-Souls,’ and ‘All-Saints,’ by poems, which had for her a mystical value. She remarked a preestablished harmony of the names of her personal friends, as well as of her historical favorites; that of Emanuel, for Swedenborg; and Rosencrantz, for the head of the Rosicrucians.

If Christian Rosencrantz,

she said,
is not a made name, the genius of the age interfered in the baptismal rite, as in the cases of the archangels of art, Michael and Raphael, and in giving the name of Emanuel to the captain of the New Jerusalem. Sub rosa crux, I think; is the true derivation, and not the chemical one, generation, corruption, &c.

In this spirit, she

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Christian Rosencrantz (2)
Emanuel (2)
Swedenborg (1)
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