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[139] I should not have thought his talent lay that way, for the ‘Duca d'atene’ is a picturesque book, showing history through the imagination; but we shall see.1

March 10.—I made some visits of ceremony to take leave, and in the evening went to Mad. de Pastoret's, whom I found almost alone, and had some very agreeable talk with her. She is the only true representative I know of the old monarchy, and would be a most respectable one of any period of any nation's history. . . . .

Our friends the Arconatis are come to Paris, and it gave us great pleasure to-day to have a visit from them and Count Arrivabene. Mad. Arconati is certainly one of the most distinguished women I have known, distinguished alike for her talent, and for her delightful, gentle, lady-like qualities of all kinds.

March 13.—To-day we made many visits, and did a great deal of packing. We received, too, several visits, among the rest a long one from the Circourts, two of the most gifted and admirable persons we have known during our absence . . . .

In the evening I went to Thiers' and Guizot's, that I might finish my impressions of French society by its appearance in the two salons in Paris whose political consequence is the most grave, whose avenir, as the French call it, is the most brilliant. Both the great statesmen parted from me with much kindness of manner, and multitudinous expressions of good-will, a little of it French, but some of it serious and certain, especially in Guizot's case.

I went, too, for a moment to the de Broglies'. Mad. de Broglie was not at home, but had left word for us to come to see her at her daughter's.

March 14.—More bidding good by; sad work! The saddest was with the de Broglies . . . . . We stayed, of course, only a short time, and when we came away, Mad. de Broglie followed us to the head of the stairs, and saying to me, ‘Nous sommes amis depuis vingt ans,’ embraced me after the French fashion, adding, ‘Si je ne vous revois pas dans ce monde, je vous reverrai en ciel.’2

As in relation to other cities, Mr. Ticknor on leaving Paris

1 Tommaseo was associated with Manin in the revolution at Venice, in 1848.

2 Mad. de Broglie died suddenly in September following, of brain fever. M. Guizot, when mentioning her death, calls her ‘l'une des plus nobles, des plus rares, et des plus charmantes creatures que j'ai vu apparaitre en ce monde, et de qui je dirai ce que Saint Simon dit du Duc de Bourgogne, en deplorant sa perte, ‘Plaise à la misericorde de Dieu que je la voie éternellement, ou sa boute sans doute l'a mise.’’ Memoires, etc., de mon Temps, Vol. IV. p. 259.

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