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[465] of common life, must grow hollow and unmeaning before they reach you, while I would have them fresh and warm, as they would be if I were sitting by your side, and could adapt them to the varying condition of your mind, as your thoughts inevitably sway to and fro under the pressure of bodily infirmities. Still, I cannot help writing, if it be only to say that we are all of us more and more desirous to hear of you, and more and more interested, and gratified, with what comes to us. God, I feel very trustful, will be gentle in his dealings with you, as he has always been. The temperament it pleased him to give you originally has insured to you, through a long and happy life, a remarkable degree of composure and equanimity. And so, I fully believe, it will continue to the end. Certainly I pray that it may be so.

If I could know what would interest and occupy your thoughts at the moment when my letter will reach you, I might fill out a sheet or more, as usual. But, in fact, when I wrote to you last and now again, I do not feel as if I could write on common subjects, or think about common things. I see you too distinctly for this, on your sofa in the library, surrounded by those you most love on earth, and still giving and receiving pleasure. I do not, indeed, hear the words you utter, but I know their meaning, full of gentleness and love; and I know that those who do hear them will treasure them up, and that, hereafter, some of them will reach me. Meantime, we shall continue to think and speak of you daily, and cherish for you the affection which has so long been a part of our happiness, and which no change or separation can impair.

With tender regards from Mrs. Ticknor and myself to Mrs. Gardiner, and to all whom love and duty alike gather round you, believe me, my dear Mr. Gardiner, now and always

Your sincere friend,

To B. B. Wiffen.

Boston, U. S. A., March 25, 1864.
friend Benjamin B. Wiffen,—I received, three days ago, from Trubner & Co., a rich copy of the improved CX. Consideraziones de Juan de Valdes, together with your very kind and interesting letter of the 8th of last month. I thank you for both very cordially, and shall preserve them among the things that I hold to be precious.

Your notice of the death of a sister, who had been your companion from childhood, and whose empty seat by your hearth makes you

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