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[311] of the Library, for which his fundamental plan had been adopted, and at this moment he had some fears of failure.

The account of this trip to Europe, in its other aspects, will appear in the next chapter, but, so far as concerns its main object, and the essential work done in the course of it, this is the place for its story. He took his family with him, and was absent fifteen months, travelling entirely at his own expense.

Going first to London, he remained there three weeks, seeing Mr. Bates constantly, and conferring with him and M. Van De Weyer on the interests of the Library. He saw and investigated the merits of the bookseller who had become the agent of the Library, and he, personally, purchased some hundreds of volumes for its shelves. But, after having come to a full understanding with Mr. Bates, he hastened to the Continent, and stopped first at Brussels, once an important book-mart, but not at this time of consequence enough, in this respect, for establishing an agency.

In a letter to Mr. Everett he gives an account of some of these earlier experiences.

To Hon. E. Everett.

Brussels, July 30, 1856, and Bonn, August 4.
my dear Everett,—I was able to write you only once from London, and then a very short and unsatisfactory note . . . . . With Mr. Bates everything was done in the promptest and easiest manner; —quiet, after his fashion, and as decisive as quiet.1 He agrees to take charge of all purchases under our past orders in London and Paris, and thinks it would be well to make out other lists,—though

1 In a letter written after Mr. Bates's death, Mr. Ticknor says of him: ‘To me he was a peculiar man. I knew him familiarly several years when we were both young; and if, after he established himself in Europe, I saw him rarely, still, whenever we met, as we did at seven or eight different periods on one or the other side of the Atlantic, I always found him, in what goes to make up the elements of personal character, substantially the same. Indeed, during almost sixty years that I thus knew him, he was less changed than almost anybody I have ever been acquainted with . . . . . The reason, I suppose, is, that he was a true man, faithful always to his own convictions, and therefore little liable to fluctuations in his ways and character.’ (From a rough draft corrected and kept by Mr. Ticknor.)

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