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I.—The first letter from Columbus.

[this letter was written on board ship, by Columbus, March 14, 1493, ‘to the noble Lord Raphael Sanchez, treasurer to their most invincible Majesties, Ferdinand and Isabella, King and Queen of Spain.’ it was written in Spanish, but the original is supposed to be lost. Latin translations of it were made and published in different cities; and a poetical translation was made in Italian, and was sung about the streets of Italy.

Knowing that it will afford you pleasure to learn that I have brought my undertaking to a successful termination, I have decided upon writing you this letter to acquaint you with all the events which have occurred in my voyage, and the discoveries which have resulted from it. Thirty-three days after my departure from Cadiz, I reached the Indian Sea,1 where I discovered many islands, thickly peopled, of which I took possession, without resistance, in the name of our most illustrious Monarch, by public proclamation and with unfurled banners. To the first of these islands, which

1 Columbus always supposed that he had reached India, and therefore always called the natives Indians.

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