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[9] talked at first a long while in German, and rolled many ways his eyes, and twisted his face; but they skilled not what he said. He said then in Norse, after a time, ‘I went not very far; but I have great news to tell. I have found grape-vines and grapes.’—‘Can that be true, my fosterer?’ quoth Leif. ‘Surely it is true,’ quoth he; ‘for I was brought up where there is no want of grape-vines or grapes.’ Then they slept for the night; but in the morning Leif said to his sailors, ‘Now we shall have two jobs: each day we will either gather grapes, or hew grape-vines, and fell trees, so there will be a cargo for my ship;’ and that was the counsel taken. It is said that their long boat was filled with grapes. Now was hewn a cargo for the ship; And when spring came they got ready, and sailed off; and Leif gave a name to the land after its sort, and called it Vinland (Wine-Land). They sailed then afterwards into the sea, and had a fair wind until they saw Greenland, and the fells1 under the glaciers. . . . After that he was called Leif the Lucky. Leif was now both well to do and honored. . . .

Now there was a great talk about Leif's Vinland voyage; and Thorvald, his brother, thought the land had been too little explored. Then said Leif to Thorvald, ‘Thou shalt go with my ship, brother, if thou wilt, to Vinland.’2

1 Mountains.

2 There has been much difference of opinion as to where Vinland was. Some think that it was Nantucket; others, the island of Conanicut in Narragansett Bay; and others, some place much farther north and east. See Costa's ‘Pre-Columbian Discovery of North America,’ Anderson's ‘Norsemen in America,’ Kohl's ‘History of the Discovery of the East Coast of North America,’ published by the Maine Historical Society.

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