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Twentieth regiment Massachusetts Infantry.

(1) Col. William R. Lee, Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols.

(2) Col. Francis W. Palfrey, Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols.

(3) Col. Paul J. Revere, Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. Vols.

(4) Col. George N. Macy, Bvt Maj. Gen. U. S. Vols.

Field and Staff.Line.Band.companies.Unassigned Recruits.Totals.
Number on regimental rolls,—
Enlisted men,11624258225220216217247245221243229382,399
Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in regiment.2424346434236
Enlisted men (included above) serving elsewhere within regiment.21111410
Actual total of members of regiment,—
Enlisted men,1224254220216212217241240217235227382,353

The 20th Mass. Infantry was recruited at Readville, Mass., in July and August, 1861. The officers having been mustered in during July and the main body of the regiment August 28, the command left the State September 4 under Col. William Raymond Lee, a graduate of West Point. As it was not yet recruited to the maximum, two officers remained in Massachusetts for further recruiting. The regiment was sent to Poolesville, Md., and took an active part at Ball's Bluff October 21, crossing the river at Harrison's Island about noon of that day and engaging in the battle of the afternoon with great loss. Colonel Lee was made prisoner and Lieutenant-Colonel Palfrey took charge of the regiment. Under his command it moved to the Shenandoah valley in March, 1862; returning to Washington, it embarked for the Peninsula, becoming part of Sumner's Corps, Army of the Potomac. It was engaged during the siege of Yorktown, took part at the battle of Fair Oaks May 31, at Allen's Farm, Savage's Station, Glendale and Malvern Hill, engaging again at Malvern Hill August 4. Colonel Lee had rejoined the regiment just before the surrender of Yorktown.

The regiment, as part of Sedgwick's Division, joined in the charge in support of the 1st and 12th Corps on the morning of September 17 at Antietam. At Fredericksburg it formed part of the volunteer force to cross the river and advance into the town on the morning of December 11, engaging again on the 13th. It was in action at Chancellorsville May 3, 1863, and was engaged at Gettysburg July 2 (when Colonel Revere was mortally wounded), and took part again during Pickett's charge on the afternoon of July 3. While in winter quarters, at Stevensburg, Va, 173 members of the regiment enlisted for another term of service. As part of the 2d Corps, the regiment shared in the engagements at the Wilderness, Spotsylvania, North Anna and Cold Harbor, engaging in the assault of Petersburg and in the siege. On July 18, 1864, those whose term of service bad expired returned to Massachusetts and were mustered out. About 200 men were added to the regiment from the 15th Mass. Infantry, and it continued in service in the trenches, under command of Major Patten. At Reams' Station, August 25, nearly all the members of the regiment were taken prisoners. Its ranks much depleted, it took part in the final operations about Petersburg, and, following the Confederates to Farmville and Appomattox, encamped, after the surrender, at Burke's Station, Va. Taking part in the grand review at Washington May 23, it encamped near the capitol until its muster out on July 15, and, returning to Massachusetts, it received its final discharge and payment July 28, 1865.

1 Including non-commissioned staff.

2 Including non-commissioned staff.

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William Raymond Lee (4)
Paul J. Revere (2)
Francis W. Palfrey (2)
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Josiah Pickett (1)
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