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Forty-second regiment Massachusetts Infantry (Militia).

Field and Staff.Line.companies.Unassigned Recruits.Totals.
Killed and died of wounds,—
9 months,—
Enlisted men,11114
100 days,—
Enlisted men,
Died by accident or disease,—
9 months,—
Enlisted men,11133152632936
100 days,—
Enlisted men,121163115
Died as prisoners—
9 months,—
Enlisted men,314
100 days,—
Enlisted men,
Total losses,—
9 months,—
Enlisted men,21143462842944
100 days,—
Enlisted men,121163115

Casualties by Engagements.

Jan. 1, Galveston, Tex,11
June 21, La Fourche Crossing, La.,11
June 23, Brashear City, La.,112

command of Lieutenant-Colonel Stedman, served during the remainder of the winter, by detachments of one or two companies, separately located. Companies C and H under Captain Leonard and Company K under Lieutenant Harding were detailed for engineer duty. Five of the companies were reunited at headquarters in June. A detachment under Lieutenant Tinkham took part in the action at La Fourche Crossing June 21, and a detachment under First Sergeant George W. Ballou suffered loss in the attack and capture of Brashear City on the 23d. The regiment spent the remainder of its service stationed at New Orleans and Algiers, and on July 31 prepared for its return to Massachusetts. It reached Boston August 10 and was mustered out at Readville Aug. 20, 1863.

In the summer of 1864 the regiment was recruited and reorganized for one hundred days service, with the same field officers. It left the State July 24 under Lieutenant-Colonel Stedman, and Colonel Burrell returning from his prison confinement, joined the command at Alexandria, where it spent its term of service on guard and patrol duty, detachments serving in guard of supply trains to the Shenandoah Valley. It was mustered out of service Nov. 11, 1864.

1 Including non-commissioned staff.

2 Including non-commissioned staff.

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