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Unattached companies of Massachusetts Infantry (Militia).

First Company.—Capt. Lewis J. Bird.

Officers.Enlisted Men.Total.Officers.Enlisted Men.Total.
Number on rolls,397100Killed and died of wounds,
Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in company,Died by accident or disease,
Actual total of members of company,397100Died as prisoners,

The 1st Unattached Company Infantry, Mass. Volunteer Militia, from Boston, Mass., was mustered into service for ninety days, April 29, 1864. It was stationed at Fort Independence, Boston harbor, and was mustered out Aug. 1, 1864.

Second Company.—(1) Capt. Francis E. Porter, 90 days and 100 days.

(2) Capt. Leonard G. Dennis, 1 year.

Officers.Enlisted Men.Total.Officers.Enlisted Men.Total.
Number on rolls,—Killed and died of wounds,—
90 days,3889190 days,
100 days,398101100 days,
1 year,3991021 year,
Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in company,—Died by accident or disease,—
90 days,90 days,
100 days,100 days,
1 year,1 year,33
Actual total of members of company,—Died as prisoners,—
90 days,3889190 days,
100 days,398101100 days,
1 year,3991021 year,

The 2d Unattached Company Infantry, Mass. Volunteer Militia, from Beverly, Mass., was mustered into service for ninety days, May 3, 1864. It served at Eastern Point, Gloucester, until August 6, when its term having expired, it re-enlisted and was mustered on the next day (August 7) for one hundred days service, spending this term also at Gloucester. At the close of the one hundred days service the company re-enlisted for one year, being mustered in Nov. 16, 1864. It served at Gallop's Island, Boston harbor, and was mustered out July 7, 1866.

Third Company.—Capt. Luther Dame.

Officers.Enlisted Men.Total.Officers.Enlisted Men.Total.
Number on rolls,38487Killed and died of wounds,
Enlisted men (included above) commissioned in company,Died by accident or disease,
Actual total of members of company,38487Died as prisoners,

The 3d Unattached Company Infantry, Mass. Volunteer Militia, from Newburyport, Mass., was mustered into service for ninety days, May 3, 1864. It served at Fort Pickering, Salem, and was mustered out Aug. 5, 1864.

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Francis E. Porter (1)
Leonard G. Dennis (1)
Luther Dame (1)
Lewis J. Bird (1)
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