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[53] and no trees within the lot or border shall be cut down or destroyed, without the consent of the Trustees of the said Corporation.

Third, That the proprietor of the said lot shall have the right to erect stones, monuments, or sepulchral structures, and to cultivate trees, shrubs and plants, in the same;

Fourth, That the proprietor of the said lot of land shall keep in repair, at his or her own expense, the land marks of the same, which shall be erected by the Corporation;

Fifth, That if the land marks and boundaries of the said lot shall be effaced, so that the said lot cannot, with reasonable diligence, be found and identified, the said Trustees shall set off, to the said grantee heirs or assigns, a lot in lieu thereof, in such part of the Cemetery as they see fit, and the lot hereby granted shall, in such case, revert to the Corporation;

Sixth, That if any trees or shrubs situated in said lot of land shall by means of their roots, branches, or otherwise, become detrimental to the adjacent lots or avenues, or dangerous or inconvenient to passengers, it shall be the duty of the said Trustees for the time being, and they shall have the right, to enter into the said lot and remove the said trees and shrubs, or such parts thereof as are thus detrimental, dangerous or inconvenient;

Seventh, That if any monument, or effigy, or any structure whatever, or any inscription be placed in or upon the said land, which shall be determined by the major part of the said Trustees for the time being, to be offensive or improper, the said Trustees, or the major

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