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[45] to render them familiar to all, to animate every citizen to a love of virtue and of glory, and to excite in youthful minds an ardent desire of imitating those celebrated worthies, the spacious grounds were embellished with trees, and made a public promenade. Within the Ceramicus was the Academy where Plato and the great men who followed him met their disciples, and held assemblies for philosophical conference and instruction. Connected with the Academy were a gymnasium, and a garden, which was adorned with delightful covered walks, and refreshed by the waters of the Cephisus, which flowed, under the shade of the plane and various other trees, through its western borders. At the entrance and within the area of the garden were temples, altars, and statues of the gods.

The bodies of the Athenians, who had fallen in battle, were collected by their countrymen, and after they were consumed on the funeral pile, their bones were carried to Athens; there they were exposed, in cypress coffins, under a large tent, for three days, that the relations might perform those libations which affection and religion enjoined; then they were placed on as many cars as there were tribes, and the procession proceeded slowly through the city, to the Ceramicus, where funeral games were exhibited, and an orator, publicly appointed for the occasion, pronounced an eulogium.

Even the Turks, who are so opposed to the cultivation of the fine arts, embellish their grave-yards with evergreens. With them it is a religious duty to plant trees around the graves of their kindred, and the burying ground of Scutari is one of the most interesting

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