To Francis G. Shaw.
In einem andern Sonnen lichte,
In einer glucklichen Natur.
Shame on me for quoting German so pompously, when these are almost the only lines I know.
You have seen the illustrations of John Bunyan, the literary part prepared by Bernard Barton? Oh, it is a lovely book! The memory of it haunts me like a sweet dream. You looked at it in church one day; and I pointed to you the picture of the river of life, where the light was so supernaturally transparent, and soft, and warm; like the sun shining through crystal walls upon golden floors. Well, that picture is like some of John Dwight's sermons. Blessings on him! He has ministered to my soul in seasons of great need. I think that was all he was sent here for, and that the parish are paying for a missionary to me. Who are the rest of the world, that God should send missionaries to them?