To Miss Lucy Osgood.
1 The epizootic epidemic then prevailing in all the large cities of the United States.
2 Oriental Religions and their Relation to Universal Religion. By Samuel Johnson. Boston, 1873. [215] which was important to the Jewish converts, another to the Greek, another to the Scandinavian, and so on I The Italian peasant woman is doubtless comforted by praying to a doll dressed up in tinsel, which she worships as the “Mother of God.” I would not, if I had the power, make it illegal for her to comfort herself in that way; but shall I refrain from philosophic utterance, lest it should make her doll fall out of its shrine? The doll will not and cannot fall, so long as the “ignorant, sensual, suffering masses” have need of her. The work that needs to be done is to bring the world into such a state of order that there will be no “ignorant, sensual, suffering masses,” and consequently no further use for consecrated dolls. Meanwhile, let them comfort themselves with their dolls. It is the business of grown people to lead children gently away from the necessity for toys. It is a long time since principles were all that commanded my implicit faith and reverence. Some would say regretfully that I believed less than formerly; but in my inmost soul I know that I believe more.