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After journeying leisurely through Switzerland, Germany, and the northern part of Italy, taking Berlin, Vienna, Munich, Venice, and Trieste en route, he reached Paris, where he made preparations for his immediate return to America. But in a medical conference held by Dr. Brown-Sequard, Dr. George Hayward, and the illustrious French practitioner, Dr. Trousseau, he was informed that death would be the inevitable result of so rash an undertaking. Escaping, therefore, from all the excitements of Paris, which meant the excitements of Europe, he fled to Montpelier, in the south of France, where he led a life of absolute retirement. Every day he was cupped on the spine, and three-quarters of his time was spent on his bed or sofa, sleeping whenever [306] he could, but finding his chief recreation in reading; although he would frequently attend the public lectures at the College, on History and Literature.

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