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[236] their load of flour, and turned into the yard, before Clup's family knew that he was killed. This witness gone, the case against the two suspected men was at an end.

No clue has yet been found to the perpetrators of this second murder. Everybody in De Soto swears that those who hung Vancil know who shot Clup; but how are the suspected persons to be arrested, and how are witnesses to be compelled to speak? The sheriff will not act; he is a servant of the commune; and he has to mind his own affairs.

Illinois, the scene of these murders, prides herself on many things. She is a large and populous State, and for so young a country may be called a literary and scholastic State. She has a dozen universities and academies. She has more than thirteen thousand libraries. In 1870 she counted two million five hundred thousand souls; three million four hundred thousand volumes. Barring some ninety thousand natives, and forty-two thousand foreigners, every man and woman in Illinois is supposed to be able to read and write. She is the paradise of pork butchers and whisky distillers; her business mainly lying in dead meat and ferrented

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