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[230] Sioux and Utes. Lame Dog or Flying Deer, according to his Indian legends, understands the Order as a call to come in and share the good things in Main Street and First Ward. Stalking into a shop, the Indian worthy helps himself to what he wants-rugs, paint or potted jam-and then moves quickly towards the door.

“ Hillo! guess you'll lay that down, you dirty scamp,” cries his fellow Saint, who has not yet become a Son of Enoch.

“Hi, Hi!” whines Lame Dog. “Me Enoch; you Enoch? me eat your beef, me sleep your wigwam: nice, hi, hi!”

Not being a Son of Enoch and “a Heir of Life,” the store-keeper hustles Lame Dog or Flying Deer into the street. In practice, it is found that men who have nothing to share with their fellow Saints, fall in most readily with the Lamanite principle of a Common Property in goods and lands.

No principle has drawn more obloquy on the Mormons than their doctrine of Blood Atonement and Blood Retaliation; a doctrine which springs directly from the patriarchal system, and which was borrowed by Joseph Smith from his sacred brethren, the

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