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[133] keep his father's creed; but every pupil of the college must attend religious worship, and the only exercises of religion at Santa Clara are those of Rome.

Compared with Christ Church and Trinity, the college is a prison. The scholastic year consists of one session of ten months, lasting from the first week in August to the first week in June. During this long term a pupil hardly ever quits the place. No scholar is received for less than half a year. Ten days are given at Christmas to rest and absence, but the greatest care is taken lest the boy should stray in the wicked world. A lad whose parents live in Santa Clara has a slight advantage; he may go to see those parents once a month; but only for an hour or so in the afternoon, and on the strict condition of coming back before dusk. No pupil of the Jesuits can be trusted in the city after dark.

Day is given up, in equal parts, to passive obedience and active work; these acts being all designed to wean a pupil from the world, and bring him under true relations with his Church. From daxwn to dusk, the youth is kept employed. Not only are his prayers, his meals, his exercises, all set down for

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