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Ingersoll, Ernest 1852-

Naturalist; born in Monroe, Mich., March 13, 1852; was educated at Oberlin College and the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology. He became connected with the Hayden Survey in 1873, and later was made a member of the United States Fish Commission. In 1880 he was a special agent of the census to report on the oyster industry. He went to California in 1883 to write special articles for Harper's magazine. Later he was editor of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company's publications in Montreal. He is author of Nests and eggs of American birds; The Oyster industries of the United States; Friends worth knowing; Knocking round the Rockies; The crest of the continent; Western Canada; The book of the Ocean, etc. He is also editor and part author of a series of guide-books to the Eastern States and cities.

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