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Jackson's Valley campaign. By Colonel William Allan, late Chief of Ordnance, Second corps A. N. V. With full maps by Captain Jed. Hotchkiss. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co. We have just received, through the courtesy of the author, a copy of this every-way model book. After one has read the many so-called “histories” or biographies bearing on the late war, in which the writers rush into print without either the material or the industry to be reasonably accurate in their statement of facts, it is really refreshing to read this superb book. Colonel Allan has used the utmost diligence in verifying his statements, has studied the official reports and other documents on both sides, and has produced a book which will stand as the authority on that brilliant campaign which made “StonewallJackson and his “foot cavalry” famous for all time.

Colonel Allan's style is clear, forcible and interesting, and one rises from the perusal of his narrative with the full conviction that he has been reading not romance, but history. Soldiers who fought on the other side will be struck with the absence of all partizanry, the freedom of the book from any harsh epithets, and the calm, historic spirit in which it is written.

The maps, prepared by Major Jed. Hotchkiss, of Jackson's staff--one of the very best topographical engineers which the war produced — are very valuable, and we do not hesitate to say that no one, North or South, who wishes to know the truth concerning this campaign, can afford to be without this invaluable history. We need scarcely add that the volume, in type, paper, binding, etc., is gotten up in the beautiful style for which Lippincott & Co. are famous.

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