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While the rebel General Jenkins was in Hagerstown, Md., a lieutenant and five men, wearing the uniform of Union soldiers, crept out of some of the houses of the town where they had been hidden, and delivered themselves up. When they made their appearance before General Jenkins, the following conversation occurred:

Halloo! who are you, and where did you come from?

We belong to the Union army, or did belong to it, but we don't wish to fight any longer against our Southern brethren; so when our forces left here we staid behind, and to-day we came out to be paroled.

What did you say about “Southern brethren” ? If I thought I had a twenty-fifth cousin who was as white-livered as you are, I would kill him and set him up in my barn-yard to make sheep own their lambs. I'll show you how I parole such pukes as you are. You are too miserable to be paroled in military style.

So saying, he ordered a detail of six men and a sergeant--“good lusty fellows, with thick boots” --who paroled the recreant Federals to the west border of the town, where the paroling process ceased, and the detail and crowd returned highly pleased with Jenkins's mode of paroling cowards.

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