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Intercepted rebel mail.

June 16.
A day or two since Major Wheelan, of the First New-York Mounted Rifles, captured a large rebel mail near the North-Carolina State line, which was destined for Richmond. The greater number of the letters were written in Portsmouth and Norfolk. Many of them referred to the Union forces of the vicinity, and copious clippings from the columns of the Northern papers were included. The mail was delivered to General Peck. One of the letters which has been handed to your correspondent covers fifteen pages of closely written letter paper, and is extremely variegated in sentiment. From grave political questions it diverges into the most common household affairs. A few extracts will not be amiss, and here they are:

my dear boys:
The Yankees presume that we rebels have no rights. Even the market-carts and oyster-boats have to hoist the Yankee flag. The Yankees force their way into the houses of respectable citizens, under all sorts of false pretexts, and when they can't get in at the doors they come through the traps on the roof. The old white cow went dry last week, and the rest of the family are very well. Hoping that you are the same, I remain devotedly,


Many other letters are as ridiculous as the above few sentences, which are copied from the lengthy epistle.

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