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Belle Missouri

Arise and join the patriot train,
Belle Missouri! my Missouri!
They shall not plead and plead in vain,
Belle Missouri! my Missouri!
The precious blood of all thy slain
Arises from each reeking plain;
Wipe out this foul, disloyal stain,
Belle Missouri I my Missouri!

Recall the field of Lexington,
Belle Missouri! my Missouri!
How Springfield blushed beneath'the sun,
Belle Missouri! my Missouri!
And noble Lyon, all undone,
His race of glory but begun,
And all thy freedom yet unwon,
Belle Missouri! my Missouri!

They called the craven to the trust,
Belle Missouri! my Missouri!
They laid the glory in the dust,
Belle Missouri! my Missouri!
The helpless prey of treason's lust,
The helpless mark of treason's thrust,
Now shall thy sword in scabbard rust
Belle Missouri! my Missouri!

She thrills! her blood begins to burn,
Belle Missouri! my Missouri!
She's bruised and weak, but she can turn,
Belle Missouri! my Missouri!
So, on her forehead pale and stern,
A sign to make the traitors mourn,
Now for thy wounds a swift return,
Belle Missouri! my Missouri!

Stretch out thy thousand loyal hands,
Belle Missouri! my Missouri!
Send out thy thousand loyal bands,
Belle Missouri! my Missouri! [4]
To where the flag of Union stands,
Alone, upon the blood-wet sands,
A beacon unto distant lands,
Belle Missouri! my Missouri!

Up with the loyal Stripes and Stars,
Belle Missouri! my Missouri!
Down with the traitor stars and bars,
Belle Missouri! my Missouri!
Now by the crimson crest of wars,
And liberty's appealing scars,
We'll lay the demon of these wars,
Belle Missouri! my Missouri!

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Missouri (Missouri, United States) (18)
Springfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (1)

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Belle Missouri (19)
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