κλήρους . . ποιήσαντες—i.e. the late owners became hereditary tenants and paid an annual sum to the Athenian ‘cleruchs.’ Thuc. (and Ephorus, as copied by Diodorus XII. 55) assume that all the land was thus divided, except that of Methymna: this would bring each κλῆρος to about 96 acres (as Chuton says); but, of course, not the whole of the κλῆρος would be under eultivation. Apparently all the land was owned by oligarchs. The new κλῆροι would, of eourse, cut across the boundaries of former estates.
κληρούχους—2700 poor citizens chosen by lot They doubtless served to form a garrison; but in 412 B.C. there cannot have been anything like this number of Athenians in Lesbos (VIII. 22); it is assumed that many of the cleruchs subsequently returned to Athens.
ἑκάστου with κλήρου. The mid. denotes a reciprocal arrangement.
ἀργυρίον is prob. object of φέρειν, and
δύο μνᾶς with the gen. is in appos. to it.