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οἰκιστέω. Battus as ‘oecist’ enjoyed heroic honours at the top of the market-place of Cyrene (Pind. P. v. 93); cf. Miltiades in the Chersonese, vi. 38. 1, and v. 47. 2 n. for hero worship generally.

τοσοῦτοι. H. only means that there was no new immigration for the first half-century.

γῆς ἀναδασμός was generally the mark of a revolution in Greece; with χρεῶν ἀποκοπαί (Dem. in Timoc. p. 746, § 149) it was renounced in the Heliastic oath at Athens. Aristotle (Pol. v. 5. 3, 1305 a 4) mentions it as one of the causes which overthrow democracies by driving the wealthy to desperation. We have an instance at Cyrene later (163. 1), at Syracuse after the fall of the Gelonian dynasty (Diod. xi. 86), and at Leontini (circ. 422 B. C.; Thuc. v. 4). Here, however, it is not a revolutionary measure, for the land to be divided was that of the natives; hence it leads to foreign, not to civil war.

γᾶς ἀναδαιομένας is the gen. after the comparative ὕστερον, ‘too late for the division of the land.’

Ἀπρίῃ. H. here fulfils his promise in ii. 161. 3 that he would relate ‘more fully’ in his Libyan λόγοι the reason for Apries' attack on Cyrene. It is, to say the least, odd (in view of ii. 152 seq.) that he should represent (§ 6) the Egyptians as ‘being ignorant and contemptuous of’ Greeks.

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  • Commentary references from this page (1):
    • Thucydides, Histories, 5.4
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