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φυλέων. The legend anachronistically represents the colony as a formalone, with settlers from each of the three Dorian tribes (cf. 153. 1).

The Caucones (i. 147) were one of the prehistoric races of Greece; they are called Παρωρεᾶται here because of their position on the ‘slope’ of the Arcadian highland, where it approaches nearest to the sea; in viii. 73. 2 the same name is applied to their Lemnian conquerors.

In this difficult district of Triphylia, between Elis and Messenia, remnants of an earlier race maintained themselves; their centre was the temple of the ‘Samian Poseidon’ (Strabo 343). The most important town was Lepreum, here put at the head of the list; it sent 200 men to Plataea (ix. 28. 4). For the identification of these towns cf. Leake, Peloponnese, i. 56 f.

ἐπ᾽ ἐμέο: a provokingly vague date. The ‘harrying’ is placed by Strabo (355) ‘after the final reduction of the Messenians’, i. e. soon after 460 B. C.; the Eleans had assisted the Lacedaemonians while the Triphylians had been against them; the same alliances had been formed at the end of the Second Messenian war (cf. Strabo 362 for Triphylia). So Meyer iii. 285 puts this Elean raid soon after 470 B. C.; he now (iv. 606), however, refers it to the period before the Peace of Nicias, when the Lacedaemonians changed their policy, and supported Lepreum against Elis (Thuc. v. 31).

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  • Commentary references from this page (1):
    • Thucydides, Histories, 5.31
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