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ALTIAIENSIUM (Alzey) Rhineland Palatinate, Germany.

The Roman name of the vicus appears in inscriptions. Remains of a large castellum built between 357 and 370 have been preserved. Many altars and reliefs of Herakles, Mercury, Vulcan, and Venus from the foundations of a building within the castellum are to be found in the Alzey museum. The square castellum had walls 3 m thick, each 170 m long, two gateways, probably 14 towers, and was further reinforced by an angular ditch 11 m from the wall.


E. Anthes & W. Unverzagt, “Das Kastell Alzei,” BonnerJbb 122 (1912) 137-69; W. Unverzagt, “Ein neuer Gesamtplan vom Römerkastell Alzey (Rheinhessen),” Germania 38 (1960) 393-403; B. Stümpel, Alzeyer Geschichtsblätter I (1964) 48ff; H. Klumbach, “Alzey zur Römerzeit,” Führer zu vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern 12 (1969) 214-18P.


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