ALBI (Albiga?) Tarn, France.
Albi was, at least in the Late Empire, the capital of a Gallo-Roman civitas which belonged to the province of Aquitaine. No monuments survive: the only known remains are isolated, accidental finds. In the past 20 years such discoveries have led to the identification of a potter's workshop (1st c. A.D.) in the Rue de Ia Piaule, 2d c. cremation tombs around Saint-Salvy, and a very late inhumation cemetery 2 km S of the town. Some funeral pits from the beginning of our era were found in 1973.
M. Labrousse, Gallia 13 (1955) 217 & fig. 19; 17 (1959) 441 & figs. 39-41; 20 (1962) 599; 22 (1964) 467-68; 28 (1970) 433; J. Lautier, Bull. de la Soc. des Sciences, Arts et Belles-Lettres du Tarn 20 (1959) 69-80.M. LABROUSSE