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ALLEGRE (Les Fumades) Canton of Saint-Ambroix, Gard, France.

Ancient watering place (cold sulphur springs), partially explored at the end of the 19th c. In addition to the buildings that were uncovercd (circular swimming pool, neighboring rooms, of varying construction, with mosaics) there was a well with 24 altars, of which 11 bore dedications to the nymphs and bas-reliefs representing nymphs or mother goddesses. Utilitarian artifacts (wooden bucket, pipes) were found in the ruins, and a large number of votive objects including more than 1000 Roman coins, some gold, which indicate that the establishment was most frequented under the Flavians and the Antonines.


Carte archéologique de la Gaule romaine, fasc. VIII, Gard (1941) 198, no. 326; Grenier, Manuel IV, 2 (1960) 521.


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