Leader of Second Semi-Chorus
We will sing likewise the exploits of our steeds! they are worthy of our praises; in what invasions, what fights have I not seen them helping us! But especially admirable were they, when they bravely leapt upon the galleys,
taking nothing with them but a coarse wine, some cloves of garlic and onions; despite this, they nevertheless seized the sweeps just like men, curved their backs over the thwarts and shouted, “Hippapai! Give way! Come, all pull together! Come, come! How! Samphoras! Are you not rowing?” They rushed down upon the coast of Corinth, and the youngest
hollowed out beds in the sand with their hoofs or went to fetch coverings; instead of luzern, they had no food but crabs, which they caught on the strand and even in the sea; so that Theorus causes a Corinthian crab to say, “'Tis a cruel fate, oh Poseidon neither my deep hiding-places,
whether on land or at sea, can help me to escape the Knights.”