Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 13, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for December, 11 AD or search for December, 11 AD in all documents.

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5 Preston305 Tucker159 Wayne51 Webster. (new co.) Wise18 2,017 729 Letcher's maj.1,288 Giggin. Braxton32 Clay41 Giles111 Mason141 Morgan13 Pulnam24 Raleigh238 Roane41 Wyoming93 729 [by Telegraph.] Lynchburg, Nov. 12-- In nine of the counties composing the 13th Congressional District, Breckinridge's majority is 2,075. The other four counties unheard from are Scott, Buchanan, Wise and McDowell. [The counties of Scott and McDowell are included in the ret [These 13 counties in 1859 gave a majority of 622 for Goggin, making a gain in the present election for Breckinridge of nearly 3,000 votes. All the counties in the district except Buchanan and Wise are included in the tables which have been published in the Dispatch.] Alexandria, Nov. 12. -- A summing up of 141 counties shows as follows: Bell's gains.Breckinridge's gains. 14,1389,067 9067 5071 Letcher's maj5829 Bell falls short of overcoming Letcher's maj. by 758.
Port of Richmond, November 12high water this day (Tuesday) 4 ¼ o'clock. Arrived. Steamship York town, Parrish, New York, mdse. and passengers, Ludlam & Watson. Steamer Geo. Peabody, Pritchard, Baltimore, mdse. and passengers D. & W. Currie. Schr Manchester, Nelson, New York, mdse., D. & W. Currie. Schr. Baltimore, Phillips, Baltimore, pig iron, Archer & Co. Schr. Hope, Frank, Baltimore, mdse., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Wm. S. Triplett, Pritchett, Baltimore, mdse., W. D. Colquitt & Co. Schr. Jno. H. Travers, Frank, Alexandria, coal, Stearns & Co. Schr. Sarah E. Jones, Jones, Philadelphia, coal, R. O. Haskins. Schr. S. W. Ponder, Demin, Philadelphia, coal, M C. Selden, Jr. Schr. Polly Rice, Adams, Philadelphia, coal. Schr. Nelly D., Studdams, Philadelphia, coal, S. P. Hawes & Son. Schr. Quickstep, Richardson, Philadelphia coal, S. P. Hawes & Son. Schr. Jno. Collins, Predmore, Philadelphia, coal, J. H. Lester. Sc
Later from Europe.arrival of the Bremen. New York, Nov. 12. --The steamship Bremen, from Southampton on the 31st ult., arrived last night. The general advices are not important. Much speculation is contained in the English papers about the abrupt termination of the Warsaw conference. The Times insists that it was owing to the impossibility of agreement upon many antagonistic elements of conference. The Neapolitan royalists had made another attack on Garibaldi's forces between Tessani and Sessa, but were repulsed with considerable loss. Garibaldi made many prisoners. Victor Emanuel had arrived at Sessa, and had an interview with Garibaldi, and made arrangements to bring on a general decisive battle. Austria explains the cause of her immense armaments to be only to repel aggression.
Still Later from Europe.arrival of the North American. Quebec, Nov. 12. --The steamship North American, from Londonderry on the 2d inst., arrived last night. The Vanderbilt and City of Baltimore had arrived out. France has interfered to prevent the bombardment of Gaeta by the Sardinian fleet. Lord Dundonnel is dead. France is making formidable naval and military preparations. Some writers construe this, and the recent council of war at St. Cloud, as palpable indications of a campaign. The Emperor, on the 31st, reviewed 20,000 men near Paris. All the bivouacking and regular proceedings of camping were represented. Naples, Oct. 27th. --The Sardinian flotilla cannonaded the Royalists at Gaeta, but the French Admiral dispatched a frigate there to stop the firing. Admiral Persigul has returned to Naples, and expressed regret at the conduct of the French Admiral. It is denied that Austria will send an ultimatum to Turin; on the con
The Georgia Legislature. Milledgeville, Ga, Nov. 12 --A resolution was introduced in the House to-day, to the effect that Georgia declares herself out of the Union, and another of similar character, but calling a convention of the people to ratify the secession, was also introduced. Both were referred to a committee. Senator Toombs' resignation is to take place after the 4th of March, unless Georgia sooner secedes. It is reliably reported here that Senator Hammond, of S. C., has resigned his seat in the Senate. [Second Dispatch.] Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 12.--A resolution was offered in the House instructing the Georgia Senators and Representatives in Congress to resist the counting of the Electoral vote of the States which have nullified the fugitive slave law. It was made the special order of the day for the 20th inst. A resolution was offered contemplating the calling of a Southern Convention in February, at Atlanta. One of the provisions of
The Daily Dispatch: November 13, 1860., [Electronic resource], A political Rioter with a sword Blade in his back. (search)
From Washington. Washington, Nov. 12. --As far as can be ascertained there is no disposition either on the part of the Administration or of gentlemen of political prominence here, to interfere with the present Southern movement, except perhaps in a friendly spirit. It is now probable that the President will soon issue an address or proclamation, as the election of delegates to the South Carolina Convention is to take place at an earlier day than was recently anticipated, and as in consequence there would not be sufficient time for the general circulation of an appeal through the President's annual message, as originally contemplated. The subject was, to-night, under consideration. It is understood that Thos. Corwin, of Ohio, can if he will, occupy a prominent position in Lincoln's Cabinet, and in the event of his declining to do so, an invitation will be extended to Ewing or Vinton of the same State. Messrs. Graham and Badger of North Carolina, are also as confidently men
Political rumor. Washington, Nov. 12. --The Cincinnati Commercial, of this morning, states that Breckinridge is determined to make a trip to the cotton States and publicly urge his fellow-citizens to abide by the Union. [Second Dispatch.] Lexington, Ky., November 12.--The rumor that Mr. Breckinridge goes to the South, to address the people, is contradicted. A meeting of Bell and Douglas men here, to-day, proposed resolutions strongly denouncing attempts at secession or disunion.
The election in Georgia. Augusta, Ga., Nov. 12. --One hundred and thirteen counties have reported. Nineteen more are to hear from. The returns indicate that Breckinridge has failed to obtain a majority over the other candidates, so the election is to go to the legislature, where there is a large majority of Breckinridge Democrats.
New York Bank statement. New York, Nov. 12. --The statement of the city Banks, this week, shows the increase of loans to be $400,000; increase of circulation $118,000, decrease of specie $950,000; decrease of deposit $654,000.
Northern Markets. New York, Nov. 12. --Stocks lower: N. Y. Central's 77; Va.'s 87; Missouri's 75. Cotton steady. --Flour heavy; Southern $5.65@ $5.95. Wheat lower. Corn quiet; mixed 68@69 Southern white 80, yellow 72. Pork heavy; mess $19.12@ $19.25, prime $13.25 @ $13.50. Whiskey lower and quoted at 21@ 21 ¼. Sugar dull at 6@7 Turpentine steady at 39 ¼ @41. Rosin dull at 41 ¼@45. Rice steady at 4 ¼@5 ¼. P. M.--The evening report of the Stock Board shows a decline in railroad stocks of about $6 per share, and in U. S. bonds of about $1 per sha