Crossroads in Time, edited by Groff Conklin – November, 1953 [Richard M. Powers]

Richard Powers science fiction oeuvre commenced in 1950 with a cover illustration for Doubleday’s publication of Isaac Asimov’s Pebble in The Sky.  By the end of 1953, he’d completed cover illustrations for nearly forty books and magazines.  Among these paintings was the cover of Groff Conklin’s eleventh anthology, the 1953 Crossroads in Time.

Powers’ cover for this collection was comprised of four science-fictionty elements that would appear in different combinations, colors, shapes, and sizes in his other works:  A spinning yellow sun, a spaceship, a weirdly asymmetric trapeze-like elevated city (so very unlike the Jetson family’s residence at the Skypad Apartments of Orbit City!), upon a star and planet-filled indigo-to-black star-filled background, all broken up by lanes of red.  And, a robot.  (Playing hide-and-seek from the upper right corner.) 


Here’s a closer view of “the robot”.  Is it my imagination, or is there a familial resemblance to Frank The Robot, who appeared on the cover of the October, 1953 issue of Astounding Science Fiction, and moonlights as the opening act for Queen + Adam Lambert?



Introduction (Crossroads in Time), by Groff Conklin

“Assumption Unjustified” (Astounding Science Fiction, October, 1946), by Hal Clement

“The Eagles Gather” (Astounding Science Fiction, April, 1942), by Joseph E. Kelleam

“The Queen’s Astrologer” (Thrilling Wonder Stories, October, 1949), by Murray Leinster

““Derm Fool”“ (Unknown Fantasy Fiction, March, 1940), by Theodore Sturgeon (variant of “Derm Fool”)

“Courtesy” (Astounding Science Fiction, August, 1951), by Clifford D. Simak (Broadcast on NBC’s X Minus One on August 18, 1955)

“Secret” (Astounding Science Fiction, January, 1953), by Lee Cahn

“Thirsty God” (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, March, 1953), by Margaret St. Clair

“The Mutant’s Brother” (Astounding Science Fiction, August, 1943), by Fritz Leiber

“Student Body” (Galaxy Science Fiction, March, 1953), by F.L. Wallace (Floyd Lee Wallace)

“Made in U.S.A.” (Galaxy Science Fiction, April, 1953), by J.T. McIntosh (James Murdoch MacGregor)

“Technical Advisor” (The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February, 1953), by Chad Oliver

“Feedback” (Astounding Science Fiction, July, 1951), by Katherine MacLean

“The Cave” (Astounding Science Fiction, January, 1943), by P. Schuyler Miller

“Vocation” (Astounding Science Fiction, April, 1945) by George O. Smith

“The Time Decelerator” (Astounding Stories, July, 1936), by A. Macfadyen, Jr.

“Zen” (Galaxy Science Fiction, October, 1952), by Jerome Bixby

“Let There Be Light” (if, November, 1952), by H.B. Fyfe (as by Horace B. Fyfe)

“The Brain” (Crossroads in Time), by Norbert Wiener (as by W. Norbert)

References and What-Not

Crossroads in Time, at Internet Speculative Fiction Database

Groff Conklin, at Wikipedia

Groff Conklin, at at Internet Speculative Fiction Database

Astounding Science Fiction – October, 1953 (Featuring “The Gulf Between”, by Tom Godwin) [Frank Kelly Freas] [Updated post… [Yet further updated…]]

[Update – December 26, 2020: My search for additional sightings of Frank the Robot has been successful.  I’m happy to report that he’s been captured on video on many occasions, and entirely un-UFO-like, his identity has been definitively verified by amateur and professional observers from locales the world over.  It turns out that he’s not at all reticent about public appearances, seeming to quietly revel in and appreciate public recognition.  True, he doesn’t say much.  (Actually, he doesn’t say anything at all.)  After all, if you’re a metallic man several stories tall, your presence alone speaks for itself.

I’ve also included numerous links about Frank’s creator, Frank Kelly Freas.  Oh, yes…  Note Frank’s resemblance to the robot in Freas’ black & white illustration for Tom Godwin’s story “The Gulf Between”.  A distant relative?

So, to view a better Frank sighting, scroll down a little – just below Stewie Griffin – and enjoy.]


“What the hell is that, a killer robot monster?!”

Frank Kelly Freas’ art gets around, in ways quite unexpected: 

I recently discovered that the plaintive, puppy-dog-eyed, giant robot featured on the cover of the October 1953 issue of Astounding Science Fiction – the inspiration for the cover art of Queen’s 1997 album “News of the World” – was encountered in the latter form by none other than Family Guy’s Stewie Griffin, in the series’ 2012 episode “Killer Queen”.  As you can see in the clip below (original here), Stewie’s introduction to the un-named metal monstrosity – courtesy of Brian Griffin – is a meeting quite memorable.



“You wanted obedience Cullin – now you have it.
You climbed a long way up by forcing human beings to behave like machines.
But you were wrong in one respect;
no human can ever be forced to behave exactly like a machine,
and no machine can ever be constructed that
will behave exactly like a human.
Machines are the servants of humans, not their equals.
There will always be a gulf between Flesh and Steel.
Read those five words on the panel before you and you will understand.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

It was a good ship,
built to travel almost forever,
and it hurled itself on through the galaxy
at full acceleration;
on and on until the galaxy was a great pinwheel of white fire behind it
and there was nothing before it.

On and on,
faster and faster,
into the black void of Nothing;
without reason or purpose
while a dark-eyed robot stared at a skeleton
that was grinning mirthlessly at a five-word sentence:

(Tom Godwin, “The Gulf Between”, p. 56)

“God, why does he look sad?!  He’s already destroyed mankind; what else could he want?!”

“I’ll tell you what the news of the world is, we’re in a lot of #@%$*! trouble!”


From the YouTube channel of TroyDouglas917, here’s Frank’s opening for Queen + Adam Lambert’s  November 25, 2017, show at 3Arena in Dublin, with great views of Adam Lambert and Brian May.


Illustration by Frank Kelly Freas, for Tom Godwin’s story “The Gulf Between” (p. 35).


Illustration by Richard Van Dongen, for James H. White’s story “The Scavengers” (p. 121).


Illustration by Richard Van Dongen, for James H. White’s story “The Scavengers” (p. 136).


Killer Queen, at Internet Movie Database

Adam Lambert – Official Website

Adam Lambert – Wikipedia

Brian May – Official Website

Brian May – Wikipedia

Queen – Official Website

Queen – Wikipedia

Queen + Adam Lambert – Wikipedia

Frank Kelly Freas

Official Website


SFE – The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction


JVJ Publishing (Illustrators)

Field Guide to Wild American Pulp Artists

Internet Speculative Fiction Database


Galaxy Press

Wikimedia Commons (Cover Art) – 47 images

Comic Art Fans – some classic, “clickable” (relatively) full-size cover art

Dangerous Minds

invaluable – The World’s Premier Auctions and Galleries – original art for sale

Mad Magazine Covers by Frank Kelly Freas – Doug Gilford’s Mad Magazine Cover Site

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