when i started my phd (Sept 2007)--selalu dgr quote like phd means '
permanent head damage' LOL
and some says that
phd is a lonely journey--to me it's true--lonely in the sense that phd sgt2 berbeza dgn undergraduate study to obtain 1st degree (bachelor) or even masters level pun..after all, my masters degree (2004) is by way of exam, bukan thesis..
phd bukan perasaan hasad dengki yer :p , phd tu doctorate..
at the end of phd, lps submit thesis (
note : for univ of nottingham, the word count is 100k words) lebih kurang 400 pages--my thesis is that thick..yeppp
lps submit thesis, kena attend viva--"viva voce".....bukan VIVA perodua yer.. :p wpun ejaan sama, sebutan berbeza :p and maksud sgt2 berbeza
viva voce ??
Viva Voce Exam
“an oral examination in defence of a thesis” The phrase ‘viva voce’ literally means ‘with living voice’, or ‘by word of mouth’, and is a particular form of oral examination in which a doctoral level student is required to defend their thesis.
kiranya nilah exam paling besar dlm hidup me, at the age of 34+ ni.. (sebulan seblm mencecah 35) :p
ada apa dgn title Dr tu? emm..kat msia berlambak2 Dr dh pun, esp policy university yg mewajibkan semua lecturer mesti ada phd kan..
anyway, for me, "with great power, comes great responsibility"
mcm citer spiderman :p
ie bila dh dpt title ni, tanggungjwb terhadap society esp my students, anak didik me..sgtlah besar..amanah..
apa2 pun, me still MZ yg dulu, tak de apa2 yg berubah, cuma tanggungjwb dh semakin besar, and and this moment of time, me sendiri tak pasti, and me tak leh nak ckp sama ada me akan still tegar berblog bila me dh balik msia nanti--i love my blog--that's a fact
and i love uolls --my blog readers and visitors!! thanks uolls :) ni me capture 2020 followers semlm--nice!
pic hiasan, sbb entry psl VIVA kan hehhe--me tak de perodua viva, me pakai proton satria ajer kat Msia, and berazam utk memiliki honda crv one day..Amiin
note : entry ala2 academic ni hehheh
uolls tak nak further study ker?