pada 23 dec 2019 yg lps (isnin), MZ and kids telah pegi stay overnite kat Glamz Genting Highlands..actually MZ redeem voucher won from P&G contest (masa mid year 2019)..then ujung thn baru ada kesempatan, sbbnya voucher tu valid for weekdays kena tunggu cuti sekolah hubby tak dpt join sbb cuti dh abis..
so gigih MZ drove ke sana..tak jauh pun..cuma kena drive tak sampai GHPO pun...means tak denya kena naik all the way to puncak GH
and weolls memang dh survey awal2 lokasi Glamz ni..
ni pic yg MZ snap masa survey lokasi...landmark..dekat honeybee farm
ni plak value voucher..weolls kena redeem Dome valuenya RM300..kalau tak redeem, syg gak burnt RM300 kan..tu gigih pegi check-in tu hahhaha
sbb ada byk gak pics yg sempat di MZ buat 2 entries ..nak tepek all the pics gitu..random pics
ni view from our Dome
this is our Dome--konsep glamping ie glam camping ie khemah glamour/moden gitu
memang very nice kids were so excited to see our Dome
ni yg paling unik..ada hammock!!
Ariff was enjoying himself on the hammock
wajiblah posing2 sblm bilik jd bersepah hahahah
one happy mommy with her 3 boys
my 3 lil heroes...actually this Dome is meant for 2 pax masa check-in, MZ kena top up byr RM70 for additional pax ie dpt bantal, selimut dan breakfast (Razeen foc)..and kena guna cash..nasib baik cukup cash dlm refundable deposit of RM100 (dpt balik duit RM100 tu masa check out)
mama pun kenalah posing atas hammock ni
ni toilet/bathroom..attached to our Dome
ni ruang kat luar Dome but it is privacy...kira ruang lepak2 gitu
masa check in ni, hari hujan, gerimis gitu..then waktu mlm..hujan suhu sgt sejukkkkk...memang duduk dlm selimut jer...
sofa ni is actually sofa bed, ie boleh bukak and jadi razeen and ariff tido kat atas sofa bed ni...MZ and zharfan tido atas katil (Double bed)
Dome ni ada kipas dan aircond jugak..weolls tak on pun aircond tu sbb memang suhu kat sini sejukkkk kebetulan plak hari hujan
nanti next entry..some more pics while we were at Glamz GH