Showing posts with label Dehydrator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dehydrator. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Cooooooolest pressie for ME!!!

Since mum got D-Guy a SuperCOOOL Rotisserie Grill, it was only fair that she got ME a SuperCOOOOOOLER pressie!!! (mum: and Jaffa's too!)

This is how you use MY cooool pressie. First, you go grocery shopping,

You get some organic chicken liver, and put them on a rack,

Then you stack another rack on top of it,

And you put the organic beef liver and veal liver on it,

Make sure everything is in place,

Then you ask WHAT'S NEXT???

You supervise as D-Guy slices up the beef heart,

You get another empty rack ready,

And you watch as D-Guy carefully places each slice on the rack,

And then you put the top cover on and wait TWELVE lonnnnnnng hours.......!!

After TWELVE hours....


Dehydrated liver and heart ALLLLL DONE!!

Almost ready to be tasted!


SuperYUMMY dehydrated beef heart,

You try hard to watch YOUR yummy heart slice gets delivered into the wrong mouth.....

You wait for more,

If all else fails, you try to figure out a way to get the rest of the dehydrated goodies!!

(mum: with all the recent warnings on chicken jerky treats from China, I decided to get a $50 dehydrator and make my own treats for them. I didn't show chicken breast strips I did, but they turned out really good too. Sunshade and Jaffa loved it of course! There will be a follow up post showing other dehydrated goodies :-))