Monday, March 10, 2014


Definition of Centenarian:

Yup, that would be ME!

You see, I have a public Facebook page that anyone can access even if you don't have a FB account. So I had a SuperFAN from the UK who wrote mum back on Friday that March 10th, 2014 was going to be my "100th" Birthday in Dog Year! 

I turned 14 years old on November 25th, 2013, which made me 98 in dog years. Two more dog years makes me 100!

1 human year or 365 days = 7 dog years

1 dog year = ~ 52.1 days

2 dog years = ~ 104.3 days = 14.9/15 weeks

14.9/15 weeks from November 25th = March 9/10th, 2014 

Needless to say, I owe this SuperFAN a big THANK YOU as I would not have been able to celebrate this special day had he not said anything!

Here's my THANK...........

YOUUUUUUUUU......... to you my SuperFAN!

I had Pizza.........

And Red Velvet cupcakes for my celebration! (I don't like sweet stuff so no cupcakes for me, but mum says it looks pretty)

Of course, whenever I hear the word "celebration", that actually is just another meaning for sit still & have a million pictures taken,

Usually by the time that Evil Mum's done taking pictures, I have lost my appetite already. 

Then I had to sing myself a Happy Birthday.......

~ Happy Birthday

~ To Youuuuuuuu

~ Happy Birthday

~ To Youuuuuuuuuuu

~ Happy Birthday 

~ Dear 

~ Sunnnnnnnnn-shaaaaaaaade 
(with vibrato)

~ Happy Birthday

(vibrato again)

Finally, I got to eat! 

Mum said to eat like a girl, so I did, 

But then I realized this eating like a gurrrrl thing was way too over rated, especially when I already cock my leg to pee. 

 Bye-bye gurrrrliness,

 Sooo good!!!

Then somehow mum thought this was a good time to play tug-of-war,

Go away!!!

Leeeeeeeeeave my pizza alone!

Evil Mum insisted on playing tug! 

Arrrrrgh! This was not the time nor object to be playing tug with!

And then some SuperBAD magic happened and there was only this little piece of pepperoni left on my table.  

What did you do to MY pizza???

My yummy pizza disappeared..... Oh well, at least I won the tug of war.

I'm glad my SuperFAN reminded mum, so I got to celebrate this special milestone!

Thank you all for celebrating this special day with me. If I have done my math correctly, my 101st birthday will be in about 7.5 weeks time ;-) (mum: NOT happening lol!)

Time for a nap now!!


Duke said...

Happy 100th Birthday, Sunshade! We have never had pepperoni pizza. You are soooooooooooooooo lucky! We can't wait to see what you have for 101!

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Ruby said...

WooooHoooo!!! Happy happy Happy 100th Burthday Sunshade!!! Wowsa, I've never had Pepperoni Pizza either!! I have had the pizza 'bones' butts not the good stuffs!
Maybe when I turn 100!
I hopes your Moms gives you the rest of the pizza later....
I hopes you have a most FABulous day!
Ruby ♥

Kinley Westie said...

Wow, dat are a big achievement!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

BowWowZer Sunshade! Happy, happy 100th Barkday. What a great celebration your mommy had for you. You still look like a young girl!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie

ps-We haven't recvd. our book yet. Do you know when it will be mailed out??

ellen said...

Oh, my dear Sunshade and your (Not) Evil Mum, how I will miss you.

Anonymous said...

Dear Elaine,

I am so sorry for your loss, have followed your blog for some time and have loved every story, pictures, everything. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Take care,
Lucy (silent MOD Troy, Ohio)

Duke said...

We miss you so much, Sunshade. Not a day goes by that we don't think of you and your sweet mum.

Love ya lots♥
Mitch, Molly and Sue