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Showing posts with label Main Dishes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Main Dishes. Show all posts

One Dish Skillet Burrito Bowls

 At least once a week I cook up a big pot of black or pinto beans and a rice cooker full of rice. Often it's for something like Burritos or Taco Sundays but I have found the left overs work perfect for this dish.

Using leftover beans and rice not only makes this a super quick meal to make in less than 30 minutes but it's also full of resistant starch because the beans and rice were cooked and cooled in the fridge before being heated again.

This meal has quickly become another quick go-to staple of meals that takes under a half hour to make. I'm so excited to share it with you!

If you would like some of our other favorite quick meals be sure to check out newest ebook Thirty Meals 30 Minutes!

One Dish Skillet Burrito Bowl
1 heaping Tablespoon coconut oil
1/2 cup onion, chopped
1 jalapeno, chopped (optional)
1 small can diced green chiles
1-2 Tablespoons Taco Seasoning
1 cup frozen corn
4-6 cups cooked brown rice
4 cups cooked black or pinto beans
2 teaspoons sea salt (or to taste)
1 can diced tomatoes
juice of one small lime (optional)
1/4-1/2 cup salsa

Top with:

Cheezy Sauce (thinned) or shredded raw cheddar
green onions

In large skillet, heat oil and saute onion, peppers and green chiles. Add taco seasoning and corn stir till corn in warm add rice, beans and the rest of the ingredients. Mix together until warm and bubbly. Top with desired toppings.

Vegetables and Garlic Sauce

This recipe has taken me quite a while to get just the way I wanted it. I was going for garlic sauce just like you get at the restaurant....I think I got pretty close especially since I was determined to make it soy free. I tend to have a bit of an allergy to soy so I try to stay away from it as much as possible. Although the fermented kind that you can get in shoyu etc. should be okay for me to have.....I have tried to just stay away from all of it as best I could this past year.

I actually think this recipe may be better with shoyu instead of the coconut aminos if that is what you want to use I would leave out the salt because shoyu is much saltier than the coconut aminos.

Also a word about the fish sauce. I searched and searched for a fish sauce with ingredients that I was happy with. I found this kind that is just salted and aged anchovies with no added sugars, MSG or anything else. I know some of you may not be very keen on anchovies (they are a very good source of calcium) so feel free to leave it out but you may want to add more salt because fish sauce is salty.

I have tried it so many different ways and just so you know every way was super yummy and got good reviews by my fam. But this recipe is the one that they all agreed (especially Ryan) was the most like you would get at a restaurant.

I love it for this time of year with all the garlic. Every time someone was saying that they were trying to get a sore throat I would say well I think I will try that garlic sauce recipe again tonight. It's a great way to get lots of garlic in and with the other spices it seems to be great to help with scratchy throats.

I hope you will enjoy it too!

Vegetables and Garlic Sauce
Sauce Ingredients:
1/2 cup Coconut Aminos
1 1/2 teaspoon Real Salt
1 cup water with 2 heaping teaspoons broth powder
1 Tablespoon red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon fish sauce
2-3 Tablespoons Sucanat
1 Tablespoon coconut or sesame oil
1/4 teaspoon white pepper
1/2 teaspoon pepper
8-10 clove garlic, minced
2 Tablespoons arrowroot powder mixed in 1/4 cup cold water
1 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)
Other Ingredients:
Favorite stir fry veggies
more coconut oil for stir frying

In medium sauce pan add first 10 ingredients. Bring to a medium boil then add the arrowroot powder mixed with water while stirring well. Stir until slightly thickened then add red pepper flakes if wanted.

In separate large frying pan or wok stir fry your favorite stir fry veggies in coconut oil (just a Tablespoon or two) until crisp tender add the garlic sauce and stir until well coated and everything is bubbling. Remove from heat

Serve over rice.

Roasted Roots

Roasted Roots
On Saturday, Ryan harvested most of the carrots and all of the beets and the few onions that where hiding. ;)

We had some nice looking beets even though it seemed like they were not doing all that well there are enough nice ones to make pickled beets with. But there were also quite a few little tiny beets that are not worth taking the time to try to peel when pickling them.

Ryan said, "I wonder what they would be like if we roasted them with some of the little potatoes that my Dad gave us from his garden." I told him that heck yes they would be good especially with some of those carrots and onions he had picked.

The best part is I knew that it would work to just wash them up and not worry about peeling them!

We also still have some chard hanging on in the garden so we cut up a bunch and I quickly sauteed it to go with dinner along with cooking some Quinoa. I have not cooked chard that way before but it was super quick and yummy so I added the recipe below too.

Just so you know picture quality for me always goes down in the winter because it is dark at dinner time.  Sorry I will try my best but artificial lighting just doesn't make as nice of pictures. ;) But it's still better than no picture I think!

Roasted Root Vegetables with Sauteed Chard
Roasted Roots
3 pounds little round potatoes (we used gold ones but red or even russets would be good too)
1-2 pounds small beets (or you can just quarter some larger ones, same with the potatoes)
6-8 large carrots, cut into large chunks
2 large onions, cut into large chunks
2-4 Heaping Tablespoons coconut oil
Kosher Real Salt
Rosemary or herbs of choice (optional)

Place the veggies into two large bakers or cake pans or you could even use a cookie sheet. Blob the coconut oil on top of the veggies. Sprinkle the kosher salt (to taste) about 1/2 Tablespoon per pan. Sprinkle with as much herbs as you want we used just a nice little sprinkling of rosemary.

Bake for about 30-40 minutes as 400 degrees. Stir once or twice during cook time. Once the veggies started to turn golden brown I turned of the broiler and let them get a little crunchy on top just watch close so they don't burn I did 5-10 minutes.

Sauteed Chard
6-8 large leaves of chard, cut into thick ribbons stems removed
1-2 Tablespoons coconut oil
2 cloves of garlic, minced
Lemon juice to taste
Real Salt and pepper to taste

In a large frying pan (I love my cast iron one) melt coconut oil and saute the garlic then add the chard stir quickly while it sizzles and a few splashes of lemon juice and cook until just wilted and dark green. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste. Serve!

Stuffed Acorn Squash with Apple, Pecans and Cranberries

We grew a few kinds of squash in our garden this year.....the butternut didn't do well, that is until the rains came but by then it was too late to have them ripen before the frost.  We determined that we did not have enough water getting to them for them to grow the way they are supposed to. We will remember better next year!

We also grew another kind that did pretty well even despite the squash bugs.....I don't even remember what it was called it is round and scalloped with a grayish color. We have had small ones that looked like it that you don't have to peel that are super tasty.....but these where not those. They had a very thick skin and got quite large and have a pretty much tasteless meat on the inside.  We may or may not try them again. ;)

In the past our acorn squash haven't done all that well and we have only gotten a few.....but we really like them. So we tried yet again and this year our plant was happy and produced lots of lovely acorn squash. So of course we had to come up with a fun stuffed acorn squash recipe. We love the flavors and just found this to be all around yummy. We still have more squash so we will for sure be making it again this fall!

Stuffed Acorn Squash with Apple, Pecans and Cranberries
5-8 acorn squash, cut in half the long way
4-6 cups cooked brown rice, wild rice blend and or quinoa
1 clove garlic, minced
2 Tablespoons coconut oil
1 small purple onion, chopped
2 teaspoons vegetable broth powder
1 teaspoon Real Salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 large apple, diced
4 large leaves of chard or kale, sliced into thin ribbons, stems removed
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1 cup pecan halves
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
1 stalk celery, sliced (optional)
1 Tablespoon Shoyu or Coconut Aminos
Small drizzle of honey
2 leaves chopped fresh sage or 1/2 teaspoon rubbed
1/2 teaspoon poultry seasoning

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, cut the acorn squash in half the long way and remove seeds with a spoon. Rub with a little coconut oil and sprinkle with a bit of salt and pepper. Place and a cookie sheet and put in the oven to partially bake while making the filling.

In large frying pan melt the coconut oil and add the onion and garlic and lightly saute. Add the rice, celery and seasonings and stir fry until the rice is warn, add the pecans, cranberries and chard and cook just until the chard is wilted. Taste and add more seasoning if needed (this is what makes a good cook in my mind especially when cooking with real food)

Pull the squash out of the oven and stuff each half place back in the oven until the stuffing just starts to brown a little on top and the squash is nice and tender. ENJOY!

Best Price EVER on a Blendtec

Check out my most favorite kitchen appliance of all time!!! The one I can honestly say I use at LEAST once a day usually a whole lot more. This is a GREAT price I spent more on the classic one then the designer one is going for. Looks like a perfect time to get yours! If I could choose to have only one small appliance in my kitchen......This would be it!

Quinoa Chili, vegetable garden style

On Saturday I was looking through the fridge to see what leftovers would work for dinner. I noticed that we had lots of cooked quinoa and black beans in the fridge and lots of garden veggies needing to be used.

I have tried a few versions of Quinoa Chili where you add the uncooked quinoa. My experience has been that either the quinoa wasn't all the way cooked and a bit crunchy or that it had cooked so long (when I tried it in the crock pot) that it was basically mush.

So I had been thinking about just adding it precooked right at the end.....when I saw the leftovers in my fridge I knew it was a good time to give it a try. When my teenage boy and husband had 4 or more helpings and the rest of us ate it up too I figured I had better hurry and write it down before I forgot what I did.

For sure a recipe we will be making a lot when cold weather sets in. A great way to use up those leftovers!

Quinoa Chili, garden vegetable style
1 Tablespoon coconut or olive oil
1 small onion, chopped
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1 anaheim and/or jalapeno pepper, chopped
1 large carrot, grated or sliced
1 small zucchini, coarsely chopped (optional)
1 1/2 cups corn
4 cups cooked black beans rinsed and drained
2-3 Tablespoons chili powder
2 teaspoons cumin
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tablespoon Sucanat (optional)
1 cinnamon stick
2-3 teaspoons Real Salt or to taste
pepper to taste
1 can diced tomatoes, or fresh chopped (may need to add more broth)
3 cups vegetable broth (3 cups water with 2 teaspoons Broth Powder)
6 leaves of kale, thinly sliced stems removed
4 cups COOKED quinoa
Juice of 1 lime
Cilantro chopped for garnish (optional)

In a large pot lightly saute onion, peppers and carrots. Add corn, beans and seasonings, vegetable broth and diced tomatoes. Bring to a good simmer stir in the kale and quinoa just until the kale is barely cooked the the quinoa is warm. Stir in the lime juice. Remove the cinnamon stick before serving. Garnish with Cheezy Sauce and cilantro if desired.

Mexican Pizza Revisited

There are some posts......especially some of the pictures in posts that are well lets just say needing an update. At the same time though a lot of those posts include other things besides a bad picture and the recipe. They kind of include a little of my life at that time and are almost like a journal of sorts.

Mostly a culinary journal but a record no less and I don't want to just totally just get rid of them or update them to show now instead of then. Then was important too so I have decided to leave them and just do revisited type posts when I want a little updating and/or changing of a recipe.

This could be a fun Labor Day meal......I'm not sure what we are going to have yet but I will try to get it posted before Monday afternoon. ;) Right now I'm just waiting for salsa to come out if it's water bath canning and then I'm going to work on pickling some beets!

Mexican Pizza
1-2 packages whole grain flour tortillas
1 cup frozen corn
1 small onion, chopped
1 can mushrooms or some fresh sliced (optional)
1 small zucchini, coarsely chopped (optional)
1/4 head of cabbage, thinly sliced (optional)
2 tomatoes, chopped
1 can olives, sliced
1 head romaine lettuce, sliced
Salsa (optional)
Real Salt, pepper, Mexican Seasonings, Chili Powder, Cumin ect. (to taste)

Have beans and cheezy sauce already made. We usually have both in the fridge already when making these and I just rewarm the leftover refried beans.

Crisp up each tortilla by pan frying it in some coconut oil. Then in pan saute onion, mushrooms, zucchini, cabbage and corn with seasoning to taste.

On each persons plate, have them take a crisp tortilla and spread it with refried beans and cheezy sauce.  Then you can place another crisp tortilla on top of that to do a double layer or you can just do a single layer.  If double layer top with a little more cheezy sauce and all the other ingredients.

You can slice it with a pizza cutter (kind of) and eat it or just pick the whole thing up or use a fork whatever you choose it's a fun meal that the whole family loves and its fun to eat.  Basically another version of taco salads!  Fun and Yummy!!!!

Hearty Vegetable Chili with Lime and Cilantro

I came up with this recipe years ago. We will try other fun chili recipes but we always come back to this one. To this day it is still a family favorite and by far the chili we make most often.

So I'm not really sure it's taken me all these years to get a decent picture of it. It's far from professional but I think the tips I learned from Tasty Food Photography has helped me to greatly improve it. That old picture was the only one I had before and it has bugged and bugged me that it looked like.....ummmm who knows what. But I kept forgetting to take a picture every time we had it. Which like I said has been often. ;)

If you want to see the original post you can go here. I also got an updated baked potato bar picture that isn't super but I know will look better than the one on that post. I can't decide if I just want to update that post with new pictures and add the new with the old or just get rid of it entirely.....I don't know that could cause broken links. I'll have to think on it. The old pictures are kind of fun to compare with. I actually get hungry when I see this picture.....the other one mostly made me nauseous.....maybe I will take it down. ;)

I don't really consider myself a food blogger because I refuse to make a dish just to get a picture of it and blog about it. I make food for my family to sit down and have a meal hopefully more nights than not. If it's a recipe I have been wanting to share I try really hard to remember to get hopefully a decent looking picture of it.

I consider myself a wife and mother who likes to make healthy food for her family and share it with others.....maybe you could call me a share my recipes wife/mom blogger.....mostly I hope you will just call me a friend.

Anyway enjoy this good old recipe with a much more appealing picture and be sure to share it with your friends!

Hearty Vegetable Chili With Lime and Cilantro
2 cans black beans (I usually use 3-4 cups cooked black beans, I like the more homemade flavor it gives it)
1 can pinto or garbanzo beans
1 can kidney beans
2 Tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic minced
1 large or 2 medium onions
1 orange bell pepper or color of choice
2 stalks celery w/ leaves, chopped
½ summer squash, chopped
1 small zucchini, chopped
2 cans diced tomatoes
1-2 cups frozen corn
1/4 cup Sucanat
2+ Tablespoons chili powder
½ -1 ½ Tablespoon sea salt (to taste)
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon pepper
Juice of ½ -1 whole lime (to taste)
1 cup chopped fresh cilantro

Be sure to drain the beans well you can use canned or cook your own dry. Use whatever variety of beans you want. In large pot saute garlic, onion, bell pepper, celery, squash, and zucchini in olive oil for a 3 or 4 minutes. Add the drained beans, diced tomatoes (DON'T DRAIN), and corn. Add rest of ingredients except cilantro, bring to a boil and boil off a bit of the liquid until it is a chili consistency. Remove from heat stir in the cilantro, can reserve some to sprinkle fresh on top. We had this chili on baked potatoes with sesame dip, some fresh sliced tomatoes. With fresh cilantro on top!

Tasty Food Photography eBook

Quinoa and Sweet Potato Grilled Wrap

Sweet Potato and Quinoa Wraps

This recipe has been in the works for a while now. We all really liked it but I felt that it just needed something to make it go from....."yeah this is pretty good"....to......"YUM this is really good!"

That something was a homemade green chile sauce. I'm thinking this sauce would also be good on enchiladas (you know in place of the red sauce mmmmm) or burritos and probably other things I'm not thinking of. I think it was especially good because I used chiles we grew in our garden last year. I roasted then chopped and froze them on a cookie sheet in little 1/4 cup blobs. Once they were froze I put the frozen blobs into a gallon freezer bag to store.

It has worked great I have been using them all winter in place of canned diced green chiles. Super good and I thought they would be perfect for a homemade green chile sauce.  Ummmmm yeah they were!

Also don't think I'm nuts when you see cinnamon in the recipe. I know it doesn't seem like it fits and you might think ewwww that's weird......but just trust me. Remember my Hearty Vegetable Chili that has cinnamon in it? Everybody seems to love that one. So don't knock it until you have tried it.

Grilled Quinoa Wraps with Green Chile Sauce

Quinoa and Sweet Potato Grilled Wrap
2 medium sweet potatoes, diced
1/2 onion, chopped
1-2 Tablespoons coconut oil
1 Tablespoon Sucanat (optional)
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
4 teaspoons taco seasoning
1-2 teaspoons Real Salt or to taste
2 teaspoon cumin
2 cups cooked black beans, rinsed and drained
3 cups cooked quinoa
2 cups green chile sauce (recipe below)
8-10 large whole wheat tortillas
cheezy sauce and additional green chile sauce
other toppings of choice avocado or guacamole, cilantro, etc. (optional)

In Large skillet heat coconut oil then add sweet potato and onion saute until sweet potatoes are almost tender add spices, black beans, quinoa, and green chile sauce. Cook until sweet potatoes are done how you like them. I don't like mine mushy.

Place filling in tortillas and wrap up. Brush with some coconut oil and grill until golden brown on each side. Serve topped with cheezy sauce, additional green chile sauce and other toppings of your choice.

Homemade Green Chile Sauce
Homemade Green Chile Sauce
1 teaspoon coconut oil
2 cups roasted diced green chiles
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2 cups water
1 rounded Tablespoon Vegetable Broth Powder
1 1/2 Tablespoons arrowroot powder mixed in 1/4 cup cold water
2 teaspoons cumin
1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder
Real Salt to taste if needed

In sauce pan on medium heat, saute the garlic and green chiles in the coconut oil just just a minute then add the rest of the ingredients. Stir until warm and thickened, just starting to bubble. Don't let boil. Remove from heat and use. Will keep in the refrigerator for up to a week or in the freezer for a few months, maybe longer.

Black Bean and Sweet Potato Taco Packets

This idea came from my Sister who had got the idea from here and adjusted it to fit her family's tastes. I got her recipe and adjusted it for us. I like it nice and taco flavory so don't skimp on the spices.

We have made these both in the oven and on campfire coals when out camping or picnicking. They cook up nice and are so easy to make. The kids like that they can put together their own and choose what goes in it.

I think the parchment paper is a must. It keeps them from burning if you are cooking them on coals. And well........well I've never really loved the idea of my food getting so nice and cozy with aluminum.....but that's just me.

Well here is the recipe and a nice little picture that will go great on your pinterest board. ;)

Black Bean and Sweet Potato Taco Packets
(makes 6 to 8 taco packets)
coconut oil
3-4 sweet potatoes, diced
1 onion, chopped
3 cups cooked black beans
2 cups brown rice, cooked
Cheezy Sauce
Salt and Pepper
Chili powder
garlic, powdered or granulated
Taco Seasoning
other veggies sliced or chopped (we like mushrooms, green peppers, chilies) optional
3 cups spinach, chard or kale, sliced in ribbons (kale is my fav!)
Tomatoes and cilantro chopped, (optional, for garnish)
Ranch Dressing and/or Salsa (optional)

Place a sheet of tinfoil on your counter with a sheet of parchment paper on top of it. Blob a little coconut oil in the middle of the parchment paper.  Add a handful of sweet potatoes (I then like to sprinkle a little of the seasonings on the potatoes but you don't have to.) Then sprinkle on a little onion, add some black beans and a large scoop of the cooked brown rice.

Add a spoonful of Cheezy Sauce. Then season well with desired seasonings. (sprinkle liberally it makes it taste good unless your not into lots of spices) Top with optional veggies and sliced leafy green of choice. Fold up tight first in the parchment paper then in the tinfoil. Repeat making about 8 packets.

Bake packets in oven (preheated to 425 degrees) or on hot coals for 20-40 minutes or until sweet potatoes and soft and tender but not mushy. Open and top with tomatoes, cilantro, Ranch and/or Salsa if desired.

Sweet Potato and Chickpea Curry

My sweet daughter Missy is actually the formulator of this recipe. She has become such a good cook! It's so nice to have more than one cook around here now that my kids are older. I don't think that you can start your children too young when it comes to helping out in the kitchen.

There are a lot of things especially when it comes to academics that it is better to start late than too early (like math for example sometimes their minds just aren't ready for certain concepts). But when it comes to helping out in the kitchen....although lots of supervision at first is a must and obviously no sharp objects until age appropriate....I think letting them get in and get their hands dirty helps them learn a life skill that they will use......FOR LIFE! ;)

The thing I love about dishes like this is they are so yummy yet so quick to make. If I be sure to get my rice cooking in the rice cooker ahead of time then from start to finish the rest of this dish take less then 30 minutes to make.  Most of my recipes are like that I don't think a good healthy meal needs to always take lots of time preparation.

Not only that but it's full of those Indian spices like Turmeric (the main ingredient curry powder) that is full of health benefits. Just Google health benefits of Turmeric and I think you will see what I mean.

Sweet Potato and Chickpea Curry
2 Tablespoons coconut oil
2 sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 small slice of ginger, minced
3 cups cooked chickpeas rinsed and drained
2 cups frozen or fresh peas
1 can coconut milk
1 can diced tomatoes
1 heaping Tablespoon Sucanat
1 Tablespoon Real Salt
2 1/2 Tablespoons curry powder
1/2 teaspoon Garam Masala
1/2 teaspoon Veggie Broth Powder
dash of cayenne (optional)
cooked brown rice

  • In large skillet lightly saute sweet potatoes, onion, garlic and ginger in coconut oil for a couple minutes. 
  • Then add frozen peas, chickpeas, coconut milk, diced tomatoes and seasonings. 
  • Stir well, cover and let simmer until potatoes are done to your liking. 
  • Serve with rice. 
  • Also good topped with fresh cilantro and lemon and/or "sour cream" made with Vegenaise, lemon juice and salt.

Sweet Potato and Mango Tacos

Tacos with Sweet Potato and Mango
I love buying sweet potatoes in bulk but I can only find bags or boxes of them from November to Early February then I just see them available to buy one at a time the rest of the year.

So that means that we eat a lot of sweet potatoes this time of year.  We love them! I had a fun time throwing together these tacos the other night and even surprised myself at how tasty they were.  I made a bunch and there were not any leftovers.

I didn't have any fresh mango so I just got some of the frozen chunks of mango out of the freezer, put them in a bowl and let them thaw a bit then cut them into smaller pieces. It worked great and tasted nearly as good as fresh.

I used cooked chickpeas for the beans because that is what I had cooked up and in the fridge already but I think next time I will try cooked black beans. I think pinto would be good too or even kidney.....you could probably just choose your favorite kind of cooked bean.

For sure an instant favorite filled with lots of healthy ingredients that I'm sure you could mix and match using what you have on hand.

Sweet Potato Taco with Mango Salsa
Sweet Potato and Mango Tacos
2 Tablespoons coconut oil
2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
1/2 onion, chopped
2 cups cooked chickpeas, black beans or other favorite bean
1 cup frozen corn
3-4 cups chopped baby kale
2 Tablespoons Taco Seasoning
1 teaspoon chili powder
2 teaspoons Real Salt (or to taste)
1/2 teaspoon cumin
1-2 limes
12-24 (depending on size) corn tortillas, cooked how you like them (we warm ours in a frying pan with a little coconut oil)
2 mangoes peeled and diced or 2 cups frozen chunks, thawed and diced
1 jalapeno, finely chopped
4 green onions, thinly sliced
1 small bunch cilantro, chopped
Brown Rice, cooked
Cheezy Sauce (optional)
Ranch Dressing (optional)

If you don't have your rice cooked you will want to get that going first.

In large frying pan saute sweet potatoes and onion until sweet potatoes are crisp tender (about 8 minutes). Be sure not to over cook you don't want them to end up mushy. Next add beans, corn and seasoning. Cook until just warm them add the kale and the juice of 1/2 to a whole lime. Cook just until kale is wilted.

While mixture is cooking you will also want to be warming up your tortillas.

In medium sized bowl stir together the mango, jalapeno, green onion, cilantro and juice from 1/2 of lime, you may add some lime zest too if desired. Salt to taste.

In your corn tortilla place a little cooked brown rice. Top the rice with cheezy sauce if desired then heap on the sweet potato mixture and mango salsa. Top with ranch dressing or other favorite topping. Enjoy!

Hawaiian Haystacks

Hawaiian Haystacks the Healthy way
Hawaiian Haystacks are a great way to use up that leftover pineapple and carrots from making carrot cake or that cabbage that still looks good but you know it's shouldn't stay in the fridge for much longer.

I hate having food go to waste so I love recipes like this that I can look into my fridge and use up what needs using. Even things you wouldn't think of putting on these are still yummy. Like leftover corn from taco salads or celery from that stir fry. I have even put summer squash, artichoke hearts, and jicama on it.

A easy and tasty way to eat your very healthy veggies!

use up extra produce with Hawaiian Haystacks

Hawaiian Haystacks
Cooked Brown Rice
Gravy and/or Oriental sauce of choice I like this brand we used their Sweet and Tangy sauce but you can go according to your tastes
(Gravy Recipe Below)
Favorite raw chopped veggies of choice we use Broccoli, Cauliflower, Bell Peppers, Onion, Pineapple,  Carrots, Zucchini, Tomatoes, Asparagus (I did steam this but have had it raw too good both ways) Mushrooms, Cabbage, etc. Pretty much what ever sounds good to you!
Dry Roasted and Salted Cashews
Unsweetened dried Coconut (optional)
On a plate take a spoonful of the cooked brown rice and then pile on the veggies and cashews. Top with sauce! It's super easy and healthy dinner because most of it is raw!

Simple Basic Gravy
2 cups rice milk
1 level Tablespoon Vegetable Broth Powder
2 Tablespoons whole wheat flour
Salt, pepper or other seasonings to taste (optional)
Take 1 1/2 cups of the rice milk and put in a sauce pan mixing in bullion. Bring to a simmer. In a small bowl stir the last 1/2 cup of rice milk with flour. Slowly add while stirring to simmering mixture. Stir until thickened use warm!

Curried Cauliflower with Sweet Potato & Black Beans

Curry with Cauliflower, Sweet Potato and Black Beans
This has been a work in progress for a couple of years now.  It was originally inspired by this recipe that from first bite, we knew had lots of potential.

It's kind of a Thia Curry ~ Meets Mexican Food.  But we don't care if we mix cuisines as long as it is TASTY!

Ryan loved that it took so long to perfect because he got to try this dish often and he really enjoyed every version of it.  So I says it's a pretty easy no fail recipe because every time it was delicious.

Cauliflower Curry with Coconut Milk
Sometimes it was a little on the dry side but we just found adding a squeeze of lemon and/or sour cream. {We like to hurry and throw together Vegenaise, Lemon juice and a bit of salt for a easy dairy free sour cream.}

Hope you enjoy this Curried Cauliflower with Sweet Potato and Black Beans.  It has definitely become a favorite at our house!  My favorite part about it is that it takes less than 30 minutes to make. {You do need to remember to get the brown rice going before you start so you aren't waiting on it to finish cooking......ummmm yep the voice of experience!}

Cauliflower Curry
Curried Cauliflower with Sweet Potato and Black Beans
1 Tablespoon Coconut oil or Ghee
1 large or 2 small heads Cauliflower, cut into florets
1 Large Sweet Potato, peeled and diced into medium sized chunks
1 small onion, chopped
2 large carrots, sliced
2 teaspoons curry powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon Real Salt or to taste
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper (more or less for desired spiciness)
1 can diced tomatoes
1/4-1/2 cup water
1 can coconut milk
1 Tablespoon Sucanat (optional)
3 cups cooked black beans, rinsed and drained
4 Tablespoons fresh cilantro, chopped

In large skillet add first 8 ingredients and saute for about 5 minutes. Add salt, red pepper, tomatoes and water. Cover and cook until vegetables are tender, about 10-15 minutes. Stir in beans and coconut milk.  Cook until heated through. Sprinkle with cilantro. Serve over cooked brown rice.

Sweet Potato Curry

Easy Enchilada Casserole

Enchilada Casserole
This casserole is especially easy if you have your veggies chopped and sauce made ahead of time.  It has been a family favorite for a long time.  But it had been quite a while since I made it.  We made it last week and I was regretting I didn't make two because we liked it so much and it freezes so well.

Mexican Casserole

Easy Enchilada Casserole
1 cup uncooked brown rice
18 small soft corn tortillas
1 Tablespoon Olive or Coconut oil
1 clove garlic
1 large yellow onion (or favorite)
1 or 2 bell peppers (favorite colors)
1 small yellow squash or zucchini (optional)
1 cup frozen corn
1 to 2 cans (15 oz. Each) petite diced tomatoes (do not drain)
2 cups favorite cooked beans, drained (we like pinto or black)
1 teaspoon cumin
2 teaspoons favorite Mexican seasoning
1 large can favorite enchilada sauce (I make the sauce from The Very Best Veggie Enchiladas)
2 teaspoons Real Salt or to taste 
1 can black olives sliced
green onions or chives chopped

For Filling: Cook rice according to package directions 30 minutes before starting anything else.(Brown rice usually takes about 35-40 min. to cook) While rice is finishing cooking, saute the olive oil, garlic and vegetables, chopped - in a very large frying pan until the corn is heated and the fresh veggies are crisp tender. Add the cooked rice, beans, seasoning and 1 or 2 cans of tomatoes depending on how dry it is. You don’t want it too wet but you want it moist. Warm just until heated.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a large casserole pan or two small cake pans (you will need more tortillas if you make two small ones) spread a thin layer of sauce in the bottom of pan line six tortillas in the bottom of pan spread a thin layer of sauce then place half the filling in then six more tortillas more sauce, the rest of the filling, six more tortillas, the rest of sauce (just like you would a lasagna) top with olives and green onions. Cover and bake for twenty minutes or until warmed all the way through and edges bubbly. Top each serving with salsa, guacamole and/or Cheezy Sauce.

Creamy Cauliflower Sandwich

Mock Tuna Sandwiches, Vegan

Creamy Cauliflower Sandwich
1 head cauliflower steamed, finely diced
1/3 cup Vegenaise
1 small onion, chopped
2 pickles, chopped
1 stalk celery, chopped
Dash salt
1 teaspoon basil
½ teaspoon dill
1/2 teaspoon paprika (optional)
1 teaspoon Curry, Italian, or Mexican seasoning (you choose)

Steam cauliflower until very tender. Cool, or if you like warm (like creamed tuna on toast) don’t cool. Dice finely. Mix all ingredients. Serve open faced on whole wheat toast or as a sandwich. Can top with a generous serving of sprouts, a large slice of tomato and/or avocado.
Recipe Inspired by Hopkins' Healthy Home Cooking

Garden Skillet

A few years ago Diane Hopkins inspired me with this recipe.  Obviously we made a few changes to fit our family but I love how it uses up a lot of our abundant garden vegetables in one simple quick to make dinner!  We have had it at least three times this season and will probably have it a few more times before harvest is over.  All the Veggies this year including the eggplant has come from our garden!
Thanks Diane!

Garden Skillet
1/2 Tablespoon coconut oil (optional)
1 Large Zucchini, cubed
1/2 eggplant, cubed
1 bell pepper, sliced
2 Anaheim peppers, sliced
1 onion, chopped
1 clove garlic
3-5 cups cooked brown rice or quinoa (may also use cooked whole grain pasta)
4-6 large tomatoes, cut into eighths or chopped
1-2 cups sunflower seed sour cream
3 teaspoons dried oregano
2 teaspoons dried basil
1/2 teaspoon real salt
1-2 teaspoons favorite seasoning mix (I used the organic no salt seasoning from Costco)
1 cup Cheezy Sauce

Combine veggies and oil in large 12-14 inch skillet.  Saute until veggies are just cooked.  I like to add a few seasonings to veggies while they are sauteing.  Mix in grain of choice or pasta until well incorporated and warmed through.  Lay tomatoes on top and cover skillet with a lid for just a minute to slightly warm but not cook the tomatoes.  Mix seasonings in with the sunflower seed sour cream and then spread on top of tomatoes.  Then drizzle with Cheezy sauce cover and let warm for just a minute.  Serve!

Mix in grain of choice or pasta until well incorporated and warmed through.

Lay tomatoes on top

Spread sunflower seed sour cream on top of tomatoes

Drizzle with Cheezy sauce cover and let warm

Serving with brown rice

Serving with Quinoa our favorite!
What the Skillet looks like after dinner! ;)