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Showing posts with label Holiday Food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday Food. Show all posts

Good Friday Meal, An Easter Tradition

When Charly was just a baby we started a fun yet very simple Easter week tradition. We start on Palm Sunday and talk/read about what happened each day the last week of Christ's life. We also enjoy finding videos about those same stories. And there is this Because of Him Easter site that was started this year that we have already been using.

Then on the evening of Good Friday we like to have a meal that may have been similar to what Jesus may have had for passover. We even sit on the floor to eat it. The kids love this simple little tradition.

Our meal typically consists of a lentil dish, dried fruit and nut mix, flat bread, hummus and grape juice. So simple but the kids look forward to it every year and always ask if we are going to do it again!

On Saturday the kids get a few fun small healthy "treats" in their Easter baskets. Usually there is something very practical like socks or flip flops and books. And then sometimes a very small toy like a yo-yo or lawn darts or something fun like that.

We hunt eggs and spend the day together and try to spend as much time together with family as we can. On Easter Sunday we go to church some of us sing in the choir as part of the Easter program. Then more often then not we have a spring type picnic meal with extended family and just enjoy being together and being grateful for our Savior.

Curried Lentils Over Rice
1 large onion, chopped
4 medium carrots, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 Tablespoons Olive oil
4 Tablespoons Curry Powder
3 cups brown or green lentils
6-8 cups water, divided
1 1/2 cups hummus
1 heaping teaspoon Vegetable Broth Powder
1 teaspoon Real Salt or to taste
pepper to taste
3-4 green onions, sliced
1 lemon cut into 8 wedges
cooked brown rice

Crock pot instructions:
In a warm crock pot, place the first 5 ingredients stir well and let warm up while preparing the rest of ingredients. Add lentils and 6 cups of water. Let cook on high for 3 hours or until lentils are tender. Add hummus, broth powder, salt and pepper and add more water to get desired consistency. Season to taste turn down crock pot and keep warm until ready to serve. Top with green onion just before serving. Serve over bowls of cooked brown rice, squeeze a wedge of lemon over each serving.

Stove Top instructions:
In a large pot heat olive oil then saute onion, carrots and garlic together. Add Curry powder and stir just until fragrant. Add lentils and 6 cups of water. Cover and let simmer for about 20-30 minutes or until lentils are done. Add hummus, broth powder, salt and pepper. Add more water if needed for desired consistency. Turn down to low and let heat through, stirring frequently. Season to taste. Top with green onion just before serving. Serve over  bowls of cooked brown rice, squeeze a wedge of lemon over each serving.
recipe adapted from Curried Lentil Soup

You will find my Totally Homemade Hummus recipe here.

Dried Fruit and Nut Mix
50% dried fruit
50% nuts

I just make a mix of about 50/50 dried fruit to nuts. I like to use what maybe would be maybe more traditional foods and that we don't very often eat in our other nut mixes. For fruit I will do figs, dates, raisins, apricots. Sometimes I will do dried cherries and cranberries. Usually I try to work with what I've already got. For the nuts I like to use walnuts, pecans, almonds and sometimes hazelnuts and pistachios.

Flat Bread

You can take about any dough and roll it into the flat shape you want and cook it like a pancake in a hot oiled pan or griddle. I have used My Best Yet Whole Wheat Bread recipe for this (I know not very traditional with the yeast and all;) or even this tortilla recipe just not rolled so thin would work.

This year though, since I have a sourdough start I am going to try a sourdough flat bread recipe. I have tried a few and they have all been eaten up but I haven't been super excited about any of them. So instead of posting an actual recipe I found this very cool sourdough flat bread link up that looks like it has lots of fun options. I'm going to choose one of those or a mixture of a few of them. ;) Hopefully I'll find something we love.

Rejoice for He is Risen and have a very Happy Easter!

Dill Pickle Dip

Dill Pickle Dip
When I first started dating Ryan it didn't take long for his family to introduce me to dill pickle dip. I'm not sure why I had never had it before but I don't remember trying it until then. I thought it was pretty good and was fine with adopting the dill pickle dip tradition........

That was until I started learning about ingredients! Then that poor little container of fun family tradition became the enemy. I mean those tiny letters on the back of the container was an ingredient list that was way to long with many big words some of which were monosodium glutamate also known as MSG.  Which is a big hit list item on my ingredient list.

Ryan was great to be understanding (his family less so...not that I blame them) but I still felt pretty bad and wondered if I could ever figure out how to make it healthy and still taste like the dip he loved.

Well a few years down my healthify all the foods we love road, it was time to take on the dip! It was so easy and we even liked it better than the old store bought version. I was happy to bring back a fun little tradition!

We have been loving this dip for years now. I always make up a bunch at Christmas and New Years!

Hope you all have a fun and Happy New Year!

How to make your own Dill Pickle Dip
Dill Pickle Dip
1 cup Veganaise (did you know my sister has started making her own, I need to get her recipe)
1/2 cup sunflower seed sour cream (optional, in fact I usually leave it out)
1 Tablespoon Homemade Ranch Dressing Mix (or to taste)
1/4 teaspoon granulated garlic
1/2 teaspoon Real Salt
1 heaping teaspoon Dill weed (more or less to taste)
1-2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
2 medium dill pickles chopped fine

Stir all ingredients together. Great to dip veggies and/or crackers in.  Good with potato chips too but you didn't hear that from me. ;)

Strawberry Ice Cream Cake

Simple Strawberry Ice Cream Cake

Before I get into recipe talk you may have noticed a bit of a slow down in posts around here. I'm still creating recipes and the finished products will be posted here but more frequent updates and goings on are happening over at Instagram if you would like to join me there!

Some of you may not know this but I don't really love spending a lot of time in the kitchen. I love good food and family meal time.....but large messes and fancy gourmet food that takes a million steps and dirties a bazillion pans....that's just not for me.

I struggle with having a meal take much longer to make then it does to eat. ;) A few times a year for really special holidays I'll make a few exceptions but most of the time I want to be in and out and onto the more enjoyable things like gathering around the table and nourishing body, mind and soul.

Homemade Ice Cream Cake
I have always loved the idea of ice cream cake and thought they looked super tasty and like lots of fun. But whenever I would look at recipes it just seemed like too many steps and so much time. Remember I'm all about SIMPLE!

So I put off making one......until Curt started saying he wanted one for his Birthday.....I thought about just spending the time to make a real fancy one but then there was a funeral that I found out about the day before and other holidays right in the mix. So I had to just go with it and by design I just had to keep it as simple as possible. It turned out surprisingly good for being so simple. No fancy crust just a layer of Strawberries. When I make it again though I will go all out and add a layer of strawberries in the middle just for a pretty effect. ;)

Strawberry Ice Cream Cake

Strawberry Ice Cream Cake

Ice Cream Ingredients:
4 cans coconut milk
1 cup almond milk
1/2 lb. strawberries, washed and hulled
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 - 3/4 cup pure maple syrup (adjust to desired sweetness depending on how sweet strawberries are)
1 Tablespoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon real salt
1 teaspoon guar gum (optional)

Other Ingredients:
1/2 lb strawberries, washed, hulled and sliced
1 recipe hardening chocolate sauce (will have extra for adding to individual slices)

In blender blend ice cream ingredients until smooth, you may need to blend for 2 or 3 cycles just be sure to blend on low and not more then three cycles as over-blending can separate coconut milk. Now freeze in ice cream maker. (Makes enough ice cream for two cakes or one cake and extra ice cream for the freezer.....the ice cream is super tasty all on it's own)

While ice cream is churning, line the bottom of a spring form pan with sliced strawberries.  Once ice cream is froze but still soft spread into pan (may fill half way and add more sliced strawberries or just fill to top and then "decorate" however you want with the rest of the sliced berries) Then freeze in freezer.....may make a few days ahead if needed.

About an hour before serving remove cake from freezer, make sauce. Remove band from spring form pan (I set the cake on a platter). Then drizzle sauce over cake and let harden then serve. May add extra sauce to individual slices.

Zesty Dairy Free "Cheese" Ball

Zesty Dairy Free Cheese Ball
I can't take credit for this one! My Mom and Sister came up with it quite a few years ago to take the place of the cream cheesy ball that Mom always made when we were kids that everyone loved.

I made this 5 or 6 years back at Christmas and now my husband asks for it every year. It has become a tradition!

It's very good with veggies or crackers! I love that our family feels like it's a special treat when in reality it is super duper healthy with mainly raw sprouted almonds packed full of whole food nutrition and enzymes that well help you digest those maybe not so much whole food treats! ;)

I love to make this up just before Christmas and have as part of all our fun dips with our finger foods. I make enough that we have some leftover for New Years too.

Healthy Cheese Ball without Dairy

Zesty Dairy Free "Cheese" Ball
2 cups almonds, soaked for 8 hours
1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked for 4 hours and sprouted for 4 hours (or just add 3 cups of soaked almonds instead of 2)
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup water
1/2 cups chopped green onions
1/4 to 1/2 cup Tahini
1/4 cup Shoyu
3 slices sweet onion, cut in small chunks
1/2 medium green bell pepper, seeded and chopped
6 Tablespoons fresh chopped parsley
2 to 3 medium cloves garlic, minced
pinch of cayenne pepper
pinch of ginger powder
pinch of cumin
pinch of paprika
1 can crushed pineapple, drained very well
1 cup finely chopped pecans

Place the soaked and drained almonds and/or sunflower seeds, lemon juice and water in a food processor and process until smooth. Scoop into a large bowl. Stir in the chopped green onions, tahini, shoyu, onions, parsley, bell pepper, garlic, cayenne, ginger, cumin, and paprika. Add the crushed, drained pineapple into the mixture till well blended. Shape with dampened hands into a rounded ball shape and place carefully on a plate or dish (approx. eight inch diameter) Press the chopped pecans onto the ball with your hands so that the ball is covered with nuts. Can garnish with a parsley leaf and dried cranberry if desired.

Seasoned Pumpkin Seeds

These are a super simple super healthy snack that the entire family loves. Pumpkin seeds are a super food in my mind they are high in  zinc that can sometimes be hard to get enough of. They are also anti-parasitic, cleansing and great for prostate health for men. And that's just off the top of my head. Search their many health benefits and you will see what I mean.

Since they are such a healthy little seed I like to find ways that we will want to eat them. I like to add them to granola whenever I can but I found that Charly didn't really like eating granola with pumpkin seeds. For some reason she doesn't like their flavor in granola (although I do give it a try) but she loves pumpkin seeds when I flavor them this way.

She even asked if I would be sure to make them this past Halloween to go with dinner! Quick and easy to make and they are great to just munch on, to add to a salad or top soups or stir fry and I'm sure other things I haven't thought of! ;)

Seasoned Pumpkin Seeds
3 cups raw pumpkin seeds (without hulls)
a few splashes of coconut aminos or lime juice (for chili lime flavor) just enough to lightly coat the seeds and make them damp
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon Real Salt
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place pumpkin seed in bowl, add the coconut aminos or lime juice. Stir to coat the seeds. Add the seasonings stir well to coat again being sure all the seeds have a good amount of seasoning on them. Spread out on a single layer on a cookie sheet (may use parchment paper if desired) bake for about 20-30 minutes or until the seeds are dry, kind of puffed up and toasty. Be sure to stir about every 10 minutes while baking.

Stuffed Acorn Squash with Apple, Pecans and Cranberries

We grew a few kinds of squash in our garden this year.....the butternut didn't do well, that is until the rains came but by then it was too late to have them ripen before the frost.  We determined that we did not have enough water getting to them for them to grow the way they are supposed to. We will remember better next year!

We also grew another kind that did pretty well even despite the squash bugs.....I don't even remember what it was called it is round and scalloped with a grayish color. We have had small ones that looked like it that you don't have to peel that are super tasty.....but these where not those. They had a very thick skin and got quite large and have a pretty much tasteless meat on the inside.  We may or may not try them again. ;)

In the past our acorn squash haven't done all that well and we have only gotten a few.....but we really like them. So we tried yet again and this year our plant was happy and produced lots of lovely acorn squash. So of course we had to come up with a fun stuffed acorn squash recipe. We love the flavors and just found this to be all around yummy. We still have more squash so we will for sure be making it again this fall!

Stuffed Acorn Squash with Apple, Pecans and Cranberries
5-8 acorn squash, cut in half the long way
4-6 cups cooked brown rice, wild rice blend and or quinoa
1 clove garlic, minced
2 Tablespoons coconut oil
1 small purple onion, chopped
2 teaspoons vegetable broth powder
1 teaspoon Real Salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 large apple, diced
4 large leaves of chard or kale, sliced into thin ribbons, stems removed
1/2 cup dried cranberries
1 cup pecan halves
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)
1 stalk celery, sliced (optional)
1 Tablespoon Shoyu or Coconut Aminos
Small drizzle of honey
2 leaves chopped fresh sage or 1/2 teaspoon rubbed
1/2 teaspoon poultry seasoning

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, cut the acorn squash in half the long way and remove seeds with a spoon. Rub with a little coconut oil and sprinkle with a bit of salt and pepper. Place and a cookie sheet and put in the oven to partially bake while making the filling.

In large frying pan melt the coconut oil and add the onion and garlic and lightly saute. Add the rice, celery and seasonings and stir fry until the rice is warn, add the pecans, cranberries and chard and cook just until the chard is wilted. Taste and add more seasoning if needed (this is what makes a good cook in my mind especially when cooking with real food)

Pull the squash out of the oven and stuff each half place back in the oven until the stuffing just starts to brown a little on top and the squash is nice and tender. ENJOY!

Best Price EVER on a Blendtec

Check out my most favorite kitchen appliance of all time!!! The one I can honestly say I use at LEAST once a day usually a whole lot more. This is a GREAT price I spent more on the classic one then the designer one is going for. Looks like a perfect time to get yours! If I could choose to have only one small appliance in my kitchen......This would be it!

Caramel Apple Rolls

Months ago it was Missy's dishes day and Ryan made a deal with her. He said, "I'll do you dishes for you if you make me some cinnamon rolls!" So she made the deal with him but since part of the deal wasn't to make them that night she put it off.

I think Ryan expected them within the next day or so but being the busy teen that she is......they didn't come and they didn't come. I think Miss was hoping Dad had forgot about it all.

But then just a week or so ago he started bringing it up again! Missy decided she better deliver on her part of the deal. Since caramel apple is just part of the season right now I told her I would help he make a different kind of cinnamon roll.

So this past Monday afternoon we put these together and they were such a fun twist on the traditional cinnamon roll we thought we would share! My biggest problem was the fact that they where so sweet it actually made me tired to eat them and although I wanted more one was all my body wanted or actually I think it maybe was mad at me for eating a whole one. It's funny how we have slowly gone from healthified treats a few times a week to one or two times a week to once or twice a month.

It's been a really slow gradual process but even the kids just don't really crave the sweets. A piece of fruit is usually ample. I quit sweetening our smoothies with anything but fruit a long time ago. Honestly I have been surprised at how my kids will drink up a very unsweet smoothie without a complaint. It's been a process but when it comes to sweets less is more......but your family will love to splurge on these for a Halloween treat especially if they aren't going to eat all that crazy candy.

Caramel Apple Rolls
whole grain bread dough for 1 loaf
4-5 large apples, peeled and chopped
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup Sucanat
1 batch caramel sauce

For the bread we used The Best Yet Whole Wheat Bread Recipe and make dinner rolls out of the rest of the dough.

With one loaf worth of dough, roll out into a rectangle about the size of an average cookie sheet. Spread the coconut oil on top of the dough then sprinkle on the Sucanat and the apple. Roll from the long way just like you would cinnamon rolls. Slice into about 1 inch rolls I like to use thread or floss for this. Then place just touching on a cookie sheet. Place in a warm spot to raise until about double. Bake at 350 for 20-30 minutes or until nice and golden brown.

While the rolls are rising whip up a batch of caramel sauce. When rolls are done baking you can drizzle immediately with the caramel sauce or you can serve them up individually on plate and then drizzle with the sauce.

Valentine's Day Menu 2014

More often than not we have an somewhat Italian themed dinner for Valentine's Day. Not sure why maybe I just figure and Italian meal is romantic. It's just kind of become a tradition.

I used to feel like Valentine's Day was just for couples and I wanted to just go on a date with my sweetheart. Well I guess I wasn't the only one that felt that way because it seemed like everyone was on a date on Valentine's Day.

If you know me you will know that I'm a little bit claustrophobic and don't really care for crowds......So I rethought how we celebrate the Valentine's thing. And now we like to have a nice quiet dinner with some fun treats, maybe a few games and usually a movie this year Love Comes Softly is our movie of choice.

Now don't you worry, my Sweetheart and I still celebrate with a fun date or a nice little getaway we just don't choose to celebrate as a couple on a different day then Valentine's Day. I'm kind of non-conformist that way.........sometimes! ;)

Valentine's Day Menu 2014

Pizza - It's super easy to make somewhat heart shaped and your kids think your the coolest mom ever.....at least mine do. They are pretty easy to please.

Italian Tossed Salad - It's like being at The Olive Garden only better!

Snickerdoodles - You could even make these heart shaped too if you wanted.

Gourmet Vanilla Ice Cream with Hardening Chocolate Sauce - This is so fun and we haven't had it in quite some time. I used to love Magic Shell as a kid I thought it was so cool how it would harden. I also think it will be fun to have some Strawberries around to dip in it and chill them then add another coat or two. Nothing like Chocolate dipped strawberries at Valentines right!

New Year's Eve Menu 2013

By the time New Years hits we are ready for some more simple fare. We also celebrate 2 birthdays between Thanksgiving and New Years so we are pretty much partied out.  But there are still a few leftovers and some wonderful friends we haven't got to spend time with yet..........so we are grateful for yet another reason to celebrate!

New Year's Eve Menu 2013

Bean Dip (leftover from the 7 Layer Dip)
Cheese Ball (leftover too)
Root Beer (I tried this at Halloween, it's made with herbs.....it needs a little work but I think it will be really good this time.......if it is I will share)
Nut Mix (yep leftover from Christmas)
Candied Nut Mix (Okay so I tried candied pecans in the crock-pot for Christmas they were pretty tasty only too much candy and not enough nuts so I want to try again.....wish me luck!)
Veggies, Fruit, Crackers and whatever other healthy snacks we come up with ;)

Christmas Punch

Christmas Punch

My kids love, love, love this punch. We have had it nearly every Christmas for....wow like over 10 years now. The only time I make it is at Christmas so they really look forward to it.

We very rarely have bottled or from concentrate juice around here unless it is fresh or in the form of smoothies. Even just orange or apple juice is quite the treat and it's really rare and of course it's always 100% juice. Water is typically my beverage of choice. (I know so boring....but it's the liquid our bodies need and it's so affordable.)

Alright to this recipe is really simple and hard to mess up and should be adjusted to fit your taste. I like it a little on the tart side it almost seems carbonated that way but it's not. But if you like it sweeter feel free to adjust. Also sometimes when I feeling really adventurous I will add in some Calc-Punch just to up the nutrients cause you know me.....but it's totally optional. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

Punch from 100% fruit juice

Christmas Punch
1-2 quarts (depending on how sweet you want it) apple juice (can use from concentrate or bottled just be sure it's 100% juice organic is best, we use grandpa's homemade bottled apple juice he presses from his apple trees MMmmmmMmm)
2 quarts orange juice (I always squeeze some fresh but usually add some concentrate too)
1/2-1 small bottle Cranberry Concentrate (I get this at the health food store you can get unsweetened or apple juice sweetened, it you get unsweetened you will probably want more apple juice.)
Juice of 8-12 limes (I like more but less is good to depends on the limes and depends on your tastes)
1 Orange thinly sliced to float in punch bowl

Combine everything in a large punch bowl. Stir, add ice, taste, adjust to taste. 

Neighbor Gift Idea - Plus Free Printable

Gifts the Neighbors will Love
You know I don't remember if I have ever shared what I give my neighbors at Christmas time! I think I have mentioned it in passing once or twice but never really shared.  Well I'd say it's high time I started letting you in on our fun.

Think of it as my neighbor gift to you! All of my wonderful internet neighbors. ;)

Most years my favorite things to share have been fun treats. My neighbors are always so impressed.... because more often than not my neighbors think will love on nothing but carrots and lettuce or something and that we are all deprived.

One year I did a treat plate with some caramel corn, peanut brittle and a couple of other fun treats I can't remember now which. But her comment was, "Your treats are amazing I can't believe you can make those healthy!" Man do I wish she was still my neighbor I would love to have her try this Toffee.

Mug with Carob Mix
This year I was seriously thinking figuring out some sort of a soup in a jar because there are just so many treats around and I thought soup might help balance it out. I still think it sounds fun.....but since we haven't lived here long and we are in a new and growing neighborhood, we have lots of new neighbors this year many whom I am sure feel so bad for us cause we are so deprived. ;)

So here's what we decided to take them instead......

Healthy Homemade Marshmallows

I just made up a bunch of this Hot Carob Mix and found some mugs I liked and then......oh let me tell you I have been thinking about making homemade marshmallows for a LONG time but kept putting it off cause well I had never even made unhealthy marshmallows before so I was a little unsure of myself.

But then I came across this recipe that has already been healthified. And......I still messed it up. It ended up being a big glob of ugly....lets just say it looked more like a science project. Oh but they are yummy! I was able to cut a few into squares that looked pretty good then the kids were not upset when I said we could have the ugly ones.

Still Tasted Super Yummy!
The Ugly Ones

Then I figured out what I did wrong and made another batch using only 2 1/2 Tablespoons gelatin and beating them so they were not quite so stiff so I could spread them into my pan better. If you attempt the marshmallows (which I highly recommend you do) just be sure to read all the instructions on this post and the one she links to.  I used part honey and pure maple syrup in mine.....I love the flavor!

Allergy-Friendly Marshmallows

Do you know how long it's been since I have had marshmallows? Oh my goodness like 15 years.....some of my kids have never even had a marshmallow.....well that is until now. Maybe the neighbors are right we are deprived. Can I just tell you though homemade ones are So. Much. Better. then the ones you buy! But of course that's a given right.....isn't everything!

Christmas Tag Download

Although I had a lot of fun making marshmallows (oh did I mention I can't wait to try them with my Cocoa!!!! Oh how I used to love marshmallow in hot cocoa!) I think I had more fun making these cute little tags.

Do I have a download?  You betcha! And don't worry it doesn't have our name on it.

Christmas Neighbor Gift Tags

Click here to download tags.

Gifts for Neighbors 

Merry Christmas to each and every one of you!


Toffee Made Healthier
Okay so I wouldn't categorize this in the healthy nourishing food section. But this time of year with the junk food around every corner.....this is a so much better version.

Years ago I made some Toffee Pretzel Crunch that my oldest daughter really enjoyed. She requested it every Christmas and I made it a few times. Then one year I tried making it and totally burnt it......I tried again and it was better but still  had a kind of burnt flavor.

add carob chips to hot toffee
So I gave up and haven't made it since. I wasn't sure why it had worked before but then pretty much failed 2 times in a row. I hate to waste food so I get a little nervous to keep trying when one batch completely fails.

Then this year for Missy's birthday she wasn't really excited about any kind of cake or really her birthday for that matter. She is 17 now.......dang wasn't I just 17?!?!?!

spread melted chips then add chopped nuts
So I asked her, "What if I made you some toffee?" I could see her being excited about that so I started trying to figure out how I could make some really good without burning it. As I thought about it I decided to use the organic sugar instead of Sucanat. I like the rich flavor of Sucanat and the dark color but it seems to have a lower burning point....although next time I think I will add a little in just for the richer darker flavor.

Great neighbor gift idea!
And because I found I didn't have to get it clear up to the hard crack stage of 290 degrees or more and still have it be a hard candy. I just needed to get it up to about 270. Honestly I like it better cause it's not so dang hard!

Trying to push it up to that higher temperature just made the candy making process so much more iffy. This was simple and worked really well.  Maybe I have found the secret too all my candy making woes! It works to not push it clear up to temperature.

Obviously this is not a recipe I will make often......it's funny back in my sugarholic days I would not have been able to get enough of this. It is super tasty! But a little bit was sweets enough for me. In fact Missy's birthday was over a week ago and there is still some hanging out in the pantry.

We just don't crave it. This is such a wonderful feeling for a past addict.  It's so nice to no longer be addicted to sugar! You can read about how I kicked the sugar habit here.

easy healthy toffee recipe
Easy Healthified Toffee
1 cup chopped and toasted almonds or pecans
1 cup coconut oil (remove 1 Tablespoon if using ghee)
1 Tablespoon ghee (optional)
1 drop natural butter flavor (optional)
1/2 teaspoon Real Salt
1 cup Raw and/or Organic Sugar
1 Tablespoon agave or maple syrup
3 Tablespoons water
1 teaspoon vanilla 
carob chips (enough to sprinkle over the top)

Toast nuts in a dry hot skillet until just golden brow. Stir them frequently and be sure not to burn they toast quickly. Sprinkle half of the nuts onto a small cookie sheet or cake pan that you have placed a sheet of parchment paper in.

In a medium sized sauce pan melt the coconut oil, optional ghee, butter flavor and salt. Add sugar, syrup and water.  Stir constantly at medium high heat until candy thermometer reaches 270 degrees. You may need to play with your stove and have it more on medium because you don't want it to get too hot too fast because it will burn. It gets to temperature pretty quickly so don't rush it.

As SOON as it hits 270 degrees then pour it as quickly spread it over the nuts in your pan. Wait just a minute then add desired amount of carob chips to cover the top. The toffee is still really hot so it will quickly melt the carob chips so within about a minute you can gently spread the carob with a knife and then add the rest of the chopped nuts on top.  Let cool completely. May put into fridge or freezer or just your freezing cold garage. (I guess that depends on where you live. But right now my garage is about as cold as my freezer. ;)

Ginger Bread Cookies

Ginger Breat Molasses Cookie

and/or Ginger Snaps!
Ryan has always liked molasses type ginger bread cookies. I finally tried healthifying some a while back! Ry said they were perfect and we have had them many times since because they are Simple, Healthy, and Tasty! If you want the harder Ginger Snaps just bake them longer; Simple! I hope you enjoy them I know we have!  So fun this time of year and the aroma that fills your kitchen is so yummy, warm and cozy feeling!

Ginger Bread Cookies
Ginger Bread Cookies
3/4 cup coconut oil melted
1 organic egg or egg replacer for
1 cup Sucanat
1/4 cup blackstrap molasses
2 cups soft white wheat flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon ginger
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon each of ground cloves,
nutmeg, and sea salt

Cream together oil and Sucanat. Add Egg Replacer and molasses then mix in spices, soda and salt. Add flour last mix well roll into walnut sized balls. Gently roll in Raw sugar place on cookie sheet press down gently with hand to flatten. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 minutes or 10-12 minutes for Ginger Snaps. Let cool for 3-5 minutes before removing from pan to cooling rack.

Candied Almonds

I haven't made candied almonds for a few years because......well to be honest the only candy I have gotten any good at making perfect every time is Peanut Brittle (knock on wood).....the last 2 times I made these they turned out sticky, although tasty, not at all how they are supposed to.

I have noticed that Sucanat seems to have a lower burning point than more refined sugars.  I wonder if maybe I don't need to get it quite so hot.  I have found that when I'm more patient and keep it come to temperature more slowly it is less likely to burn.  But I'm still not sure why they don't always crystallize even when it does make it to the right temp without burning.

I have decided that candy making is an art and one that I'm not good at.  Which isn't all bad because even healthified it's still candy.  But sometimes I want to make fun candies for us and to share with our friends and neighbors. 

So I ordered me some more almonds from Green Smoothie Girl's Group Buy that happens every fall.  And I have told myself I'm going to get a bit better at this art.  And besides that I also want to practice the art of food photography and take me a better picture too! ;)  And oh I'm also craving me some of these too!

Are you good at the art of candy making?  If you have some hints and tips for me PLEASE share!

Really this recipe would be good with most any kind of nut. Walnuts, Pecans, or Almonds would probably work best! I have tried this recipe with Walnut also it's very good but mostly I use almonds because I have lots of them. I made one batch with soaked and then dehydrated Almonds. These were super tasty and I'm guessing still had a few enzymes left in them not to mention bursting with nutrition. I also tried it with just roasting them. Both kinds were very fun to eat and YuuuUUUuuuMMMMMmmmY!

Candied Almonds
3 3/4 cups Almonds (baked in a 375 degree over for 5-10 minutes stirring once OR soaked overnight then dried in dehydrator at 105 degrees for 12 hours)
1 1/2 cup Sucanat
1 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
3/4 cup water
3/4 teaspoon sea salt
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 drop butter flavor (optional)
1 drop maple flavor (optional)

With Coconut oil; Oil sides of large heavy sauce pan. Cook (ON MEDIUM HEAT, do not go over medium you want to get this to temperature SLOWLY or you will burn it!) water, Sucanat, cinnamon and salt. Stir until Sucanat dissolves and mixture boils. Cook without stirring to 236 degrees using a candy thermometer. (Again this will take a little time but it must get to temperature in order to become "candied" DON'T turn up stove keep it on medium-low) Quickly remove from heat as soon as it hits 236 degrees. Add vanilla, optional flavorings and nuts. Stir for one minute until nuts are well coated. Spread out onto oiled cookie sheet. Break into pieces when cool.