Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Art At The Arroyo

This week I came across some new art in Tucson.  I don't know how long it's been here since I don't venture to this part of town too often, but I thought I'd stop and take a few pictures.

I don't know what the name of the installation is, but I do know the artist's name is Chris Rush.
The drawing above says:

The smell of a fur coat; of tar; of an oil lamp blown out.  The taste of olives; of pastry; of chocolate.  Warmth of hot water bag; cold of a piercing wind.  The buzz of an induction coil vibrator; the preliminary a of the violin; singing in the car.
These can be found near the Arroyo Chico Greenway on East 15th Street and South Cherry Avenue in Tucson, Arizona. 

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Natural Endorphins

2016: The Road That's Actually Less Traveled
2015: The Glowing Red Triangle
2014: I Prefer IPY To DIY

2013: Heading To Primm
2012: Fashion (And Country) Forward
2011: Slowly Meandering Through Farm Country
2010: Long Beach Lights
2009: 4423 Humboldt Avenue
2008: Eddie Tourist Friday
2007: Ripe For A Dognapping
2006: What Lies Beneath
2005: Big Sky Country

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