Thursday, February 02, 2017

Time For A Questival!

Logo courtesy of
OK, so I have a pretty amazing opportunity to tell you all about.  

I recently came across a company called Cotopaxi, and they have an amazing job opportunity available with their company.  I thought it'd be something you all might be interested in.

Get this, people...

They're looking for a real life Road Warrior!

Not a road warrior like me, who spends her time in a cushy custom rig listening to podcasts and audio books while hauling freight around the United States, but someone who will participate in an actual hardcore adventure!  It includes travel, various challenges, meeting new people...and did I mention travel?  Helloooo?  How can you not be wondering right now if you just came across your dream job?

They said if I was interested, they'd welcome my application for the position. As Ed's mother would say, "Bless their heart."  I told them I appreciated the offer and might have considered it 25 years ago, but at this point in my life, I'm quite happy with the amount of traveling I currently do.  I'm really only semi-adventurous, and my idea of camping is a sweet hotel room, not a tent or travel trailer. Y'all remember how I don't like temperature extremes, right?  And, uh, I need to pee like a million times a night.  I am not shuffling from a tent to a port-a-potty (or clearing in the woods, if that's the case) in the middle of the night.

But just because it's not for me, doesn't mean it's not for you.  Just take a minute to think about the job you're currently doing.  Then read the rest of this post.  Then think about the job you're doing again.  This might be a no-brainer.

I've got to tell you, traveling around the country is an incredible opportunity.  I've been doing it for over thirteen years now and I still love it.  I still start every day with wonder. Sure, sometimes seeing the same places - depending on where they are - can get a little boring, but overall I still think it's the best job I've ever done in my life.  I've never seen as much, learned as much, or enjoyed as much, at any other job I've had, as I have with this one.  Being on the road over 300 days a year might not appeal to everyone, but for me, it was a perfect fit.

This opportunity with Cotopaxi will give you a little taste of what I do.  You'll be traveling 25,000 miles - which is more than double the miles an average person puts on their car in a year! - hitting 30+ major cities while seeing everything in between.  And during all this travel, you'll be writing and tweeting and Instagramming every fantastic little moment.  You'll essentially be living my road warrior life but without having the DOT (Department of Transportation) to answer to.

When I asked them for more information about the position, they sent me a little blurb to share with my readers, along with an infographic that gives you the scoop on the position.

And really, how can you not love a company that has a llama as its logo??

So here's a little summary of what they're looking for:

"Outdoor clothing company Cotopaxi is looking for the next Road Warrior to join their team! As a field marketing specialist, this team member will travel across the United States and visit every major city during the 2017 Questival Tour, a 24-hour adventure race where participants receive a Cotopaxi backpack and compete in various challenges. If you have camping experience and a love for the outdoors, are able to tell a great story, and are proficient in social media, this position is for you! You'll be able to explore the U.S., all while spreading Cotopaxi’s mission of doing good and giving back to the world."

Below is the infographic.  If you're interested, click HERE to apply.

Infographic courtesy of Cotopaxi.

Connect with Cotopaxi on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

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The Last Link Should Be Your First Stop

2015: The Gods Are Angry. Or Laughing.
2014: These Four Guys Always Have The Same Expression On Their Faces
2013: Save Money On Sandwiches, Buy Nice Car
2012: Big Money Needed For A Relaxing, Feel-Good Experience
2011: The Original Metrosexual And The Petting Zoo
2010: Cribs For Corn, Not Celebrities
2009: LL Cool E
2008: Hunt On Hold
2007: The Blondes Come Marching In
2006: Thank You Is Not Enough
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!


Marlaina said...

I wish this kind of stuff happened when I was 20.

Belledog said...

Wow! That would be awesome!

Pat said...

#25 is not Seattle!

The Daily Rant said...

Marlaina: You did your version of this!

Pat: Good catch! Hmmmm. Well, somewhere in that vicinity I guess! :)