Friday, April 10, 2015

Vintage Heaven

Yesterday on our walk we discovered the most fantastic place - Bergstrom's Antique & Classic Autos located on Washington Street in Port Townsend, Washington.  It's housed in an original 1917 auto garage.
It was the most fantastic collection of automobile memorabilia I've ever seen.  They had license plates, hubcaps, tail lights, side view mirrors, speedometers...
Magazines, Chilton manuals, advertising, books, and tons of other written material for cars dating back decades.
Tune-up charts from as early as 1941...

There were cars for sale, metal advertising signs, old car parts... 
 Toys, key chains, hood ornaments.
Metal and plastic emblems and badges with make and model names.  These are awesome.  I want one but couldn't decide which, so I'll probably be going back to the store after I've made my decision.
An original Texaco sign, made of metal, with two original Texaco stars.  An original Hupmobile sign hanging in the background, a motorcycle in the foreground.
There were old tools of all kinds - wrenches, an oil can, and in the upper left of this photo, a hand-powered grinder.  
 This 1953 Mercury was for sale for $19,900.  I love the mint green color.
And this restored 1956 Texaco Sky Chief Tokheim gas pump priced at $3,500.
If you have a love for anything to do with cars, this is the place you need to visit.  It's a man's paradise and the perfect place to find a gift for the vintage car aficionado in your life.

This place ranks at the top of the list of my favorite shops in Port Townsend.  What great surprises we've found in this little town!

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2014: No Wonder China Is The Exporting Superpower
2013: 109 Miles Of White Knuckle Passengering 
2012: Strong
2011: The Man Unmasked
2010: Fingers Crossed For All Things Motorized!
2009: Eddie Forces A Smile Friday
2008: A, B, C, D, DD: No Matter What The Letter, The Trauma Is The Same
2007: How To Watch American Idol The Right Way
2006: Dings And Hos
2005: Sorry, no post on this day. The blog didn’t start until May 2005!

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