Monday, December 15, 2014

Good Morning, Newport

The sun rising as we approached Newport, Rhode Island on the Claiborne Pell Bridge.  I took this with the iPhone - sometimes they come out great, sometimes they come out a little fuzzy like this - but I love a sunrise and still thought it was decent enough to share.

We deliver to Newport four to five times a year for the same customer.  Last time we were here we toured all the mansions.  This time, we're hoping to see the three that are decorated for Christmas - The Breakers, The Elms, and Marble House.

Enjoy the morning!  

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
2013: One Very Happy Sloth
2012: Overnight In Ohio
2011: If It Ain’t Sweet, It Ain’t Southern Made
2010: Portland Bound
2009: Dear Blog Santa
2008: The Trees Help Guide The Way
2007: Just In Time For The Holidays
2006: Eddie Leans On A Barrio Door Friday
2005: Glowing Reminders


Gil said...

Great picture. You drove right past us!

dlg said...

Beautiful. I do so miss driving and seeing all those sunrises.