If he could put a mast on Tom Sawyer's raft and sail the Intercoastal Waterway, he'd be in heaven. He'd be alone - because I wouldn't be going with him - but in heaven. I don't really have any desire to sail around the world, but Ed would do it in a heartbeat. Whenever we're near boats, he's calling to find out what the slip fees are, walking the docks, taking pictures, checking out the nearest West Marine store. He loves it.
I could love it, but it would require a written contract that would ensure I wouldn't have to do anything boat related - no hoisting of masts, no swabbing of decks, nothing on the port or starboard side, no asking me to come about.
If you want me to make you a sandwich, get you a cup of coffee, pour you a frosty beverage, fine. Rinse the seawater out of your bathing suit, fold your signal flags, read you a passage from Moby Dick, fine. But anything that remotely resembles "working a ship", I am not doing. I may change my mind in the future, but right now - and especially after just seeing a documentary which featured the Old Sow whirlpool, I won't be going out in any open waters anytime soon.
Tonight I'll be making Shrimp Scampi for dinner. That's my contribution to the vast world of water...cooking what can be found in it.
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1 YEAR AGO: I’m In Love And It’s Not Even Valentine’s Day Yet
2 YEARS AGO: Eddie As Fisherman Friday
3 YEARS AGO: Birds And Barbells On Muscle Beach
4 YEARS AGO: A Girl On The Shores Of Cozumel
5 YEARS AGO: I’m Not Exactly Sure What You’re Proposing Here
6 YEARS AGO: The Blizzard Of 2006
1 YEAR AGO: I’m In Love And It’s Not Even Valentine’s Day Yet
2 YEARS AGO: Eddie As Fisherman Friday
3 YEARS AGO: Birds And Barbells On Muscle Beach
4 YEARS AGO: A Girl On The Shores Of Cozumel
5 YEARS AGO: I’m Not Exactly Sure What You’re Proposing Here
6 YEARS AGO: The Blizzard Of 2006
Your picture screams "what recession"!!!
Gil: I know! The people in this area certainly don't look like they're hurting AT ALL. Ed called to find out about getting a slip in this marina and they told him there was a 3-5 year waiting list! I guess it's the 1% who aren't on that waiting list. LOL
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