July 12, 2013
Two Word Opinions: July 2013 Edition
December 21, 2010
Napolitano's "24-7-364" decoded!
There's been a lot of speculation about which day those who protect the American public have been taking off. Christmas, New Years? But I've decoded it. Here's a clue;
May 4, 2010
What does DAY 1 mean exactly, at the White House?
December 29, 2009
Janet Napolitano, otherwise unemployable
The problem is that the country wasn't buying it and the administration had to come back with the "systemic failure" talking points to prove that they are serious about threats to Americans. even if the President is in Hawaii.
The President's CYA response - blame the system, the agencies and the people. In other words, throw someone else under the bus. After all, it's all about nursing the approval rating through 2012, isn't it?
April 28, 2009
Napolitano logic on border closure
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano defended the government's response at a press conference Monday afternoon as reporters asked her about the risk of asymptomatic swine flu carriers entering the country.Napolitano said the strategy of identifying and isolating those who seem ill and try to cross into the United States was adequate given the circumstances, as a reporter asked if closure of the border had been considered.
"We're already doing passive surveillance at the border," Napolitano said. "You would close the border if you thought you could contain the spread of disease, but the disease already is in a number of states within the United States."Noting that those
infected with swine flu may not show symptoms for a few days, Napolitano said border closure is "a very difficult judgment to make."Napolitano said Sunday night that there was no "realistic hope of containment" that would motivate a border closure, as was called for Saturday by Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.).
Logic: The border has been breached so there's no point in closing it now.
(%#@^!!! Analogy - Murders have already been committed so there's no point in making it a crime NOW is there?)
Okay, is it because no other infected person could possibly cross the border and accelerate the problem. The cases already here are the threat. Is that position political? Or just ignorant?
It's certainly in need of further justification, but don't hold your breath waiting for it.
March 20, 2009
Pelosi - enforcing the law is un-American
And the Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is cracking down on the crackdowns. Isn't that wonderful?
This is the precursor to an amnesty bill, Fox News has it right. And it's one more decision that's going to skate through without proper debate in the Senate. At least we still have Tom Tancredo fighting on this one.
December 9, 2008
Grading the staff
State Department: Hillary Clinton. American Conservative Union lifetime score - 7.71. Obama's score was 7.61, yep she's far right of him. She's drag him back to that center line right quick.
Commerce Department: Bill Richardson. Very liberal record of voting and ideas is on display here, and here. Environmentalists' choice. This is a scary bad choice for Commerce.
Homeland Security: Janet Napolitano. Amnesty supporter for Homeland Security? The hits just keep on coming.
Justice Department: Eric Holder. Had Atta survived the 9/11 attack we shouldn't regard him as a POW? Well, I guess he'd want to try him over at Justice. Right. I wonder what he would have done if he'd captured Rudolph Hess.
Treasury Department: Timothy Geithner. Supposedly the most moderate, but with a somewhat thin resume and it's argued, more of the same as Paulson - bailouts, lack of transparency. Well, at least he's supposedly more centrist than everyone else on the list so far.
Defense Department: Robert Gates. Okay, I can live with Gates. But I believe he's there just to serve a purpose for Obama. Obama can play the moderate, consensus-builder card by having Gates and Geithner on board. It also helps with the international visual of continuity.
NSC: Jim Jones. Again, livable but somewhat of an unknown. Probably serving the same purpose as Gates. According to Democracy Arsenal;
He’s a career military guy who wasn’t known during that time for doing much “off
the record” sharing of his views on policy issues — he followed orders,
impressed people enough to keep getting promoted, and either kept his views to
himself or else only shared them with people who are extremely tight-lipped.
UN Ambassador: Susan Rice. Former foreign policy advisor to Michael Dukakis during his 1998 campaign. Good stuff, that. Then there's this disturbing bit from Wikipedia;
In a 2002 op-ed piece in the Washington Post, former Ambassador to Sudan
Timothy Carney and news contributor Mansoor Ijaz implicated Rice and
counter-terrorism czar Richard Clarke in missing an opportunity to neutralize Osama bin Laden while he was still in Sudan. They write that Sudan and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright wre ready to cooperate on intelligence potentially leading to bin Laden, but that Rice and Clarke persuaded National Security Advisor Sandy Berger to overrule Albright.