Activity Space (7th Floor) by Cottrell and Vermeulen and Betty Fraser Myerscough
Vital Arts, a British arts organization in charge of introducing art to Britain’s hospitals, collaborated with 15 artists to decorate the interior of London Royal Children’s Hospital in their own unique style. They transformed the interiors of the hospital into a fun place by bringing in bright and colorful ceramics, vinyl, wood and rugs. We all know, no kids space is complete without their favorite animal friends. The seventh floor of the hospital is decorated with Eddie the tiger and Twoo the wise owl created by textile designer Betty Fraser Myerscough.
"Visitors to the seventh floor of the new Royal London Hospital would be forgiven for thinking they had slipped down the rabbit hole to Wonderland. A huge fluorescent owl perches on a giant chair, which rises to almost two storeys, standing alongside a vast television set. An enormous stuffed tiger leans against a great wooden globe, while a gigantic orange lampshade hangs above a digital disco carpet. It's like the stage set of The Borrowers conceived on an acid trip.
This surreal oversize living room is the work of Cottrell and Vermeulen architects and designer Morag Myerscough, who have worked to bring a much-needed dose of fun to the children's ward of this colossal new hospital complex." -
“We wanted to create a place that was an escape for the young patients, an engaging place that was fun, playful & colourful, but at the same time gave the opportunity for the whole family to relax together.” - Via
Respiratory (Ward 7E) by Miller Goodman, 2014
“Wood is a traditional warm medium that soulfully ages softening with play. It is traditional and always evokes childhood memories of play. We hope that the mix of bright vinyl colours and wooden characters encourages and entertains the child as well as wishes them a speedy recovery.”